[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/a511a59d-5d73-4dd9-b7d7-5c1c0ecb4a54.png[/img][/center][hr][indent] [color=turquoise]"Dear Goddess, [i]my back[/i]."[/color] Derec wasn't a stranger to making mistakes--he had hurt himself physically more times than he would admit in training, and he still had a scar from the time he accidentally stabbed his own foot--but Great Goddess had this taken the cake. The seats in the carriage had been so cramped that he volunteered the floor to give some reprieve to both sides, and honestly, he genuinely believed it wouldn't be so bad. He had done it once or twice as well, so he had experience. Then again, it wasn't for two hours, and it certainly wasn't in a carriage where he could feel every single bump in the road. He was also generally fond of horses, but he was pretty sure if a monster came and attacked the animals, he wouldn't be as enthusiastic in saving them. It was only by a miracle that he hadn't fallen out of the carriage, albeit the pain shooting up his back definitely made him feel much older than he was. All those years of training were apparently nothing to [I]one[/i] bumpy ride. He stretched out as best as he could, ignoring his protesting muscles as he forced himself to walk around a little. He managed to catch Auberon's complaint, letting out a hollow laugh. [color=turquoise]"Here, here,"[/color] He mumbled an agreement, genuinely preferring a long hike to that ride. He nearly walked into poor Isolde, watching her grimace. [color=lemonchiffon]"I know some healing magic, maybe it can alleviate you?"[/color] The timid girl offered, clearly sympathetic. [color=turquoise]"Please,"[/color] The word came out before he would even consider her offer, all too glad to let her usher him to a nearby stump. As Isolde tended to Derec, the professors seemed to debate on how to answer Euphemia's question. No one seemed to want to offer their opinion first--except for Tomai, who decided his time was better spent making sure the horses got to drink some water and wordlessly left it to the rest. Kaira teetered on voicing her thoughts, albeit she let out a small gasp. [color=palegreen]"Ah--No! Come back here!"[/color] She called after Imogen. Michail clucked his tongue, looking over to Kellen, Auberon, and Jorah as the latter went digging around in the weapons cart. [color=00aeef]"They're coming whether we like it or not, but I'm willing to bet they're looking for assistance and think we're an entire unit of knights,"[/color] He finally spoke first, frowning. [color=yellow]"Then we should get the students as far away as possible,"[/color] Euphemia suggested. [color=yellow]"Once they're safe, we can go over and see what we can do to help."[/color] [color=palegreen]"How much help could the four of us really be?"[/color] Kaira couldn't help but ask. [color=palegreen]"Not that I'm doubting anyone's skill, of course, but..."[/color] [color=00aeef]"The best thing to do is take the students to Luin with us,"[/color] Michail stated. [color=yellow]"Absolutely not,"[/color] Euphemia immediately protested. [color=yellow]"TIt may just be a bandit attack, but they have no real experience. Someone could get hurt, or worse."[/color] [color=00aeef]"They could also get attacked while we're away. I'd rather keep them close and use whatever skills they have."[/color] [color=yellow]"They're not soldiers, Michail, they're [I]children[/i],"[/color] She reminded him. [color=yellow]"Commoners, nobles, [I]royalty[/i]--none of them have actually seen a battle before, you're telling me you want them to experience death and bloodshed on what's supposed to be a [I]training[/i] day? They aren't ready for this!"[/color] At that point Tomai rejoined the trio, frowning at the growing group of students gathering. He knocked on Michail's armor, gesturing to the other trio. [color=red]"Whatever we decide, they're coming whether we like it or not. I'm going to get the carriages ready,"[/color] He said, gesturing for Kaira to follow him. Michail watched Tomai for a moment before looking at his sister again. After a few seconds, she let out a heavy sigh, giving him a shrug. With a decision made, he flashed a grin. [color=00aeef]"Come on, let's go,"[/color] He told Euphemia, ignoring her mumble as he took her map and rolled it up. He jogged over to the prince, the duke's son, and the crazy girl, making sure each one got a good whack of the map. [color=00aeef]"Didn't you three go over the basics this week? There's no segment on being the Welcoming Committee."[/color] He scolded all three of them, handing the map back to Euphemia. [color=yellow]"He's right. Get back to the others and standby while we see what they want,"[/color] Euphemia ordered, making sure she stayed in front of them as Michail walked forward to meet the duo. [color=yellow]"You can't be too careful on the road."[/color] Michail waited patiently with his spear in hand, though as they neared, it was obvious his initial guess was right. One of the men had a few sharp cuts along his hand--he had narrowly avoided archers, he'd wager. The desperate looks on their faces turned to relief once they were close enough, with the unharmed man practically throwing himself off his horse to greet Michail. "Thank the Goddess you're here!" He huffed, stopping to catch his breath for about two seconds before continuing. "We're in desperate need of the Knights' assistance. Our village is being plundered by bandits, they've only just started, but they were bringing barrels over in a cart to do something--" The words no sooner left the man's mouth as a distant explosion caught everyone's ear. Smoke billowed out in a thick, gray cloud, growing in size as Michail watched. "Th-They must have blown the cart up!" The other man gasped. Euphemia caught Michail's expression, shaking her head at him. Still, the blond turned to the men. [color=00aeef]"I suggest you keep going to the west, Mirestone Village will likely offer some help as well while we drive the bandits out,"[/color] He suggested. The duo immediately took his advice, riding off. [color=yellow]"Michail..."[/color] Euphemia's voice took a warning tone. [color=00aeef]"It'll be on a voluntary basis,"[/color] He said, patting her shoulder as he walked past her. Rolling his shoulders as he approached the majority of the students, he brought his free hand up to his mouth, blowing out a loud, shrill whistle. [color=00aeef]"Listen up!"[/color] He called out, his voice practically booming. [color=00aeef]"The village nearby has requested the aid of the Knights of Seiros. As the only Knight here, I'm honor-bound to go and do whatever I can. That being said, I can see some of you already itching to jump up and tell me you're willing to fight, but I'm going to stop you right now."[/color] He threw a small smile Euphemia's way before continuing, [color=00aeef]"Doing the right thing and doing what's best for the situation is something you're going to have to decide for yourself. Because of that, for this one time, I am giving you a choice to make,"[/color] He stated. [color=00aeef]"You can stay here, away from the village and the majority of the action. That said, I can't guarantee your safety--Euphemia, Kaira, and Tomai will be joining me, and while it's only a slim chance, the bandits may decide to target you if you stay here. However, if you think that your skills are good enough to ensure your own survival, if you're willing to put your life on the line for people who are nothing to you, if you think you're ready to see a man bleed to death by your own sword, then this is the time to see if you have what it takes."[/color] Michail turned to the other professors, pointing his spear towards the village. [color=00aeef]"We move out in sixty seconds! Get those horses ready!"[/color] He commanded. [color=00aeef]"Anyone who chooses to come along had better get their asses back in that carriage if they don't want to get left behind!"[/color] [/indent]