Hearing John telling her she needs to stop running showed Kay that yes, he had been in direct contact with Fee and she couldn't just pretend that it didn't just happen. She wasn't however expecting to hear that Fee was a part of her, and in turn, she was Fee. It seemed so mind boggling to her that that was the case but at the same time it seemed to make more sense than her being skitzophrenic like the many doctors tried to convince she was. If someone had told her even a year ago that she would find John's explanation a lot more convincing and believable than what doctors tried telling her constsntly she probably would have laughed at them and told them they were the insane ones. Yet here she was right now after what she had been through and witnessed, believing the man. She nodded at his words, deciding that yes, she would indeed think it over. She got up as John helped her up still reluctant to leave her bag unattended. She felt like if she let that go, she'd lose absolutely everything and after two years on the streets it was a habit so deeply ingrained into her, it would be difficult to just drop. As much as she was craving a shower, food was definitely her priority in this moment, so heading to the kitchen was a welcome choice. On the way she briefly stopped to smile back at Serena. "thank you, for everything. And I'm sorry this is what happened to you for helping me" she told her honestly before deciding to answer her questions, "I feel like I can finally get answers here and I somehow believe we will be safe here" she replied unaware that John was asking Chas about Serena at the same time. "she muttered about sensing the danger that was following Kay. I'm guessing there's probably more to it but she didn't say. She did seem glad to help Kay out though, to make sure she was safe. She also tried insisting that she should leave as it and I quote 'I can't stay here, I don't want to put the flamed one in more danger' take that as you will. But I convinced her to stay long enough to rest up and eat as I wouldn't be surprised if she has a concussion from the gash on her head" he explained, putting down bowls on the kitchen table, enough for all four of them. "what about Kay? You get anything that we didn't possibly overhear? She looks like she hasn't a normal bed for who knows how long, and the way she's clutching her bag isn't going amiss either" he added, but speaking just a bit quieter than before so only John could hear him.