[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210322/235a0e2e2be10bcf440fee6f4fe36a98.png[/img] [img]https://i.makeagif.com/media/6-18-2018/8HNSwa.gif[/img] [color=#BA55D3]Location:[/color] Heading to the [url=https://i.imgur.com/PNgnifM.jpg]Angel Grove Youth Center[/url]. [color=#BA55D3]Interacting w/:[/color] [@Akayaofthemoon][/center] Charlie nodded her head as she listened to Jordan speak. What she said aligned with exactly how she felt as well, which was why Charlie originally offered for the two of them to meet up at the Angel Grove Diner to catch up with one another for old time's sake. The place at a bit of nostalgia attached to it, but the feeling was never going to be perfect given what had happened. Had Druidon [i]not[/i] been returning, separation probably would have done all of them better. But as she thought about this to herself more and more, Charlie realized in that moment that the band-aid needed to be ripped off. Silas wouldn't have sugarcoated any of this. All of the Rangers had leadership qualities and had their specific times where they stepped up to the plate when need be, but Silas had a place in everyone's heart where they each [i]knew[/i] who the most level-headed person was. Not only that, but he was the first death that each of them witnessed in the war, evident of his ability to always fight from the front and living without fear. He was reckless in that regard, but Charlie respected him for it. [color=#BA55D3][i]Okay... I just gotta say it and...[/i][/color] Jordan's body language shifted and now [i]she[/i] was concerned about [i]her[/i]. Lifting her eyes up to the taller woman, Charlie nibbled at the corner of her lip, hearing the roar of the Green Raptor as it exited the diner's parking lot. [color=#BA55D3][i]Damn it... now Clint's gone.[/i][/color] [color=#4169E1]”Charlie, what’s wrong? You know you can talk to me about anything.”[/color] Shaking her head, Charlie's eyes closed tightly as she appeared to be fighting an internal battle before she ultimately blurted out, [color=#BA55D3]"Druidon is back and I need help, okay!?"[/color] The onus was lifted from her shoulders... or at least it felt as if she was being supported by someone else's strength assisting with hers. For all she knew, Jordan could have ran off the moment Charlie spilled this information on her. Her breathing was heavy, but Charlie paced herself, calming her nerves before she continued. [color=#BA55D3]"I can explain it later, I promise and... I'm sorry if it seems like I trapped you but... I don't have anyone else to turn to. I considered going at this alone but... I'm not making you, or Clint for that matter, come back to the team. I just..."[/color] She sighed. [color=#BA55D3]"I just wanted to know if you were interested in helping that's all..."[/color] After she spoke, her Power Morpher began to beep frantically. This time, there wasn't a midday alarm that she had set. Instead, there was a "Warning" message lighting up on the screen. [color=#BA55D3]"Oh fuck..."[/color] Charlie mumbled to herself as she tapped the red exclamation point icon on the watch. A [url=https://i.imgur.com/d9L8sWk.jpg]circular holographic screen[/url] lifted from Power Morpher and displayed the scene at the Angel Grove Youth Center. Charlie recalled seeing a flyer on social media about some sort of event being hosted there, but she was no longer a youth so it didn't necessarily apply to her. Regardless, the screen displayed the a newer version of the [url=https://i.imgur.com/YBCoHaZ.jpg]Drunn Soldiers[/url] that the Rangers fought before, proceeding to terrorize the event and attacking some of the people. [color=#BA55D3]"Drunn Soldiers are attacking the Angel Grove Youth Center... I gotta get there before they hurt someone!"[/color] The screen minimized back into Power Morpher with the tap of a button and Charlie began to back pedal just a bit. The Youth Center wasn't too far from the diner, but Charlie that she couldn't hitch a ride with Clint, unsure of where he had gone to. Probably back to the ranch. [color=#BA55D3]"If you can help, come on!"[/color] And with that, Charlie had run off down the street. She wanted Jordan to follow her, but couldn't blame her if she didn't. For now, she couldn't worry about that; there were innocent lives in danger. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pyztPkC.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/YBCoHaZ.jpg[/img] [color=#FA8072]Location:[/color] Angel Grove Youth Center [color=#FA8072]Attacking:[/color] [@metanoia], [@psych0pomp] & [@Zoey Boey] (and [@potemking] whenever he gets there)[/center] While the odd trio of Sloane, Ross and Vallory were taking their selfie with each other, there was a terrible shriek coming from down the way inside of the food court area. A fleet of soldiers dressed in a similar fashion were marching their way down the massive corridor with people running in opposite directions to get away from the incoming threat. There didn't appear to be a clear leader in terms of giving direct orders, but the Drunn Soldiers worked together in perfect harmony, branching off into different factions to jump on certain people. There was a variety of bodies thrown into nearby furniture, through glass windows or slammed right onto the floor. The lancer weapons they carried are able to be used as short range options, but it also as a blaster at the end of it for long range use as well. With no clear target in sight, the minions were here to send a message: that Druidon was back and better than ever. [hr][b]The Rookies:[/b] Once [color=#DC143C]Sloane[/color] snaps the picture, he'll probably see a visual of the Drunn Soldiers marching in the background of his selfie with [color=#EE82EE]Vallory[/color] and [color=#000000]Ross[/color]. At this point, it's up them to decide how they go about responding to this situation. Do they put themselves in harms way and attack? Are they trying to herd people to safety? Do they hide behind a counter at a restaurant? Survive in the best way you see fit! [b]Clint:[/b] As [color=#3CB371]Clint's[/color] driving in his car, he'll probably hear the emergency alert message on the radio informing listeners about the threat on the AGYC. The description of the attackers sounds eerily familiar to [color=#3CB371]Clint[/color]. Does he turn his Raptor around and drive right into the action? Or will he carry on as if it's none of his business? [b]Jordan:[/b] [color=#BA55D3]Charlie[/color] just dropped a bomb on [color=#4169E1]Jordan[/color] about Druidon being back and that much was confirmed by the alert on her Power Morpher. Old memories don't appear to be treating the former Blue Ranger too kindly, so does [color=#4169E1]Jordan[/color] decide to run after [color=#BA55D3]Charlie[/color] and head straight for danger? Or does she allow [color=#BA55D3]Charlie[/color] to take care of this alone?