[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] I'm sorry but I have to raise my hand at this. This kind of sounds like meta-game justification of something to give you a boost in game. Every other faction either has super limited agriculture or none at all and here Jericho has full operational farms with a variety of livestock animals? This sounds like a human faction bonus and not a starting condition. This is to say nothing at the starting wealth of knowledge they have because of this magically well protected library or "passed down knowledge" which would likely put their starting tech ahead of everyone else. [/quote] I'm not trying to receive any bonuses. I'm really considering*/definitely going to do a retcon of the sheet (really a nerf of NJ, it sounds like), because I was confused about the state of agriculture. The same things could be applied to the MDR (in regards to books), I'm just asking the GM what's possible. I'm completely fine with things being denied for the purposes of balance, but there does seem to be some confusion over to what extent agriculture is a thing. Does seem inopportune now that RP's begun, though, I'll provide Again, I specifically pointed out they could all just be the descendants of businessmen (not a useful skillset in the post-apocalypse), that's a very potent justification for why they're on the same level as everyone else. Literally no motive for anything of that sort. I'm just trying to find a way to make my concept work with what the GM wants, and that means asking questions. Frankly, I'm not deciding anything, the GM is. I have zero control over these things, I don't understand how talking things out has some ulterior motive *The proposition for a library was that the bunker-dwellers might have saved some books from the apocalypse. Again, left up to the GM to decide if it happened or if it did if there's anything useful or if there was if said books are still in existence. Given that was before agricultural stuff, I didn't realize how set-back things were. Error in my interpretation of the IP