[center][b]Jevil[/b] [hider=Image (too big)] [img]https://i.redd.it/gar6xu8me4g31.jpg[/img] (Source: https://twitter.com/tsu_tsu83/status/1061839748245803008)[/hider] From: Card Castle, Dark World Setting: Deltarune[/center] Description Personality History Weapon: Jevilscythe Known Magic: Four Suit Attacks, Illusions, Weapon manifestation Unknown Origin: Denial of Reality (capable of ignoring pain and natural bodily functions, presumed to be passive self-targetted illusions) Sample Dialogue: Uwe hee hee! Such an eager puppet, still tied up in its strings. I saw mine and saw myself free by sawing them off. Its in the joker's nature to run wild but we were so easily taken out of the deck - magician and jester alike. The Knight revealed his hand by removing the veil from my eyes but even with myself free to see the world as it truly is, I played into his hands and helped prepare the board for the Angels to play. The land is dark, the king's mind darker, and our future is yet darker still. I tried to keep it from coming true. Kings cannot be dethroned and jacks can't be unsure of their value if they are dead. Little dreamer, knife in your puppeteer's hand, your suite suits you even if it does not belong in your chest. A Ten or an Ace, either way you're part of the flush and at your puppeteer's command you'll wash the world red with nines. The only counter to your spree would be to refuse to play or hide behind a counter and play merchant. My dear sweet tom is safe from your play but you still can wind the world back down to zero and play again. So... Let's play play play and I'll make you pay for saving over what once was and never was yours. [hider=Annotations] [quote]Such an eager puppet, still tied up in its strings.[/quote]Comparison of player characters to marionettes with the player as the one in control of the unseen strings. [quote]I saw mine and saw myself free by sawing them off.[/quote]Triple repeating rhyme with different meanings of "saw". [quote]Its in the joker's nature to run wild but we were so easily taken out of the deck - magician and jester alike.[/quote]Joker's Wild card game, Tarot allusion to the Magician and Fool cards but [i]also[/i] the red and black joker cards which are usually taken out of the deck. [quote]The Knight revealed his hand by removing the veil from my eyes but even with myself free to see the world as it truly is, I played into his hands and helped prepare the board for the Angels to play.[/quote]Repeating "hand", double rhyme of veil/veal, allusions to in-game dialogue about the Knight and the Angel's Game. [quote]The land is dark, the king's mind darker, and our future is yet darker still. I tried to keep it from coming true.[/quote]Dark, Darker, Yet Darker. Dark World, evil Spade King, uncertainty of the future. [quote]Kings cannot be dethroned and jacks can't be unsure of their value if they are dead.[/quote]If the game events are encoded into the world, then Jevil could see the events leading up to player interacting with the Dark Fountain. Also, Lancer and Ralsei are both princes _or jack cards_ with that suggested prophecy of the Prince of the Dark and neither were all too sure about their role or value (also I'm still not sure that Ralsei isn't actually a prince). [quote]Little dreamer, knife in your puppeteer's hand, your suite suits you even if it does not belong in your chest.[/quote]Dreemurr/dreamer pun, Kris is a kind of knife, weapon in the hand of the player, you could claim that the Heart suit (as many Darkners have playing card suits on their form or body) makes the Lightners "Hearts", the heart-shape soul in Kris's chest gets ripped out. [quote]A Ten or an Ace, either way you're part of the flush and at your puppeteer's command you'll wash the world red with nines.[/quote]500% references to Genocide run and how the party still does what the player wants in battle. [quote]The only counter to your spree would be to refuse to play or hide behind a counter and play merchant.[/quote]Double nod to how some NPCs were safe from fighting because they ran or were store-merchants in both games. Ex: Gerson and Seam. [quote]My dear sweet tom is safe from your play but you still can wind the world back down to zero and play again.[/quote]Seam is a cat and presumably male due to the name Seam/Seap/Shop/Shoam wordplay, so tomcat. Reference to UT's final boss's talk about "resetting the world back to zero". Vague allusion to Mother 3 where beating the game meant that the events [i]canonically[/i] were re-rest (kept in mind due to the Halloween Hack by Toby and his past as being in the Earthbound romhack/fan scene). [quote]So... Let's play play play and I'll make you pay for saving over what once was and never was yours.[/quote]Jevil's fight is part of a game and slight allusion to how when you start playing the game and save the first time [i]you save over an existing save file[/i]. [/hider]