[@Romero] [color=0054a6][h1] [center]Benjamin Marcus Zebrowski [/center][/h1][/color] Ben had a bad feeling about the letter he had just read, it was quite ominous. It sounded to him that the writer of this letter was wanting to cut out his liver and wear it as a hat. However he had no other clue than this letter, so he would need to take a big bite out of the shit sandwich. Looking up at the clock, noticing that he could make it in time before sundown. Putting on his coat and jacket, he didn’t want him to look like a bum for this job. It sounded like it could be a good paycheck, enough for him to pay his rent for a couple of months. Walking out of his building, He was becoming increasingly anxious thinking about the letter, he had a bad feeling about this job. Like something terrible would happen to him if he went to Wilde Hall. His mind was racing of what the letter meant, something that came to mind was the bible verse Pslam 23:4 “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” He wondered if the letter meant but the best he could come up with, was that the letter was nonsensical. Or at the very less meant that things were not what they seem from what he assumed. While walking to Wilde Hall, he was starting to mutter a mixture of a Hail Mary and a Our Father.