[hr][sup]Character Sheet[/sup] [url=https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=2428696]Twig, the Last Green-Eye[/url] [hr][sup]Appearance[/sup][hider=Physical Description] [/hider][hr][sup]Animal Companion Stats[/sup][center][b][h3][sup]G R E S L A R C H[/sup][/h3][/b][color=gray][sup]Type: Animal (Wolf) // Size: Large // Class Level: 8[/sup][/color][/center][b]HP/HD:[/b] 52 (7d8) [b]AC:[/b] || [b]TOUCH:[/b] || [b]FF:[/b] [b]INIT:[/b] +2 [b]BAB:[/b] +5 [b]SPEED:[/b] 50ft [hr][center][b]SAVING THROWS[/b] [sup][color=gray]FORT:[/color] +7 [color=gray]// REF:[/color] +7 [color=gray]// WILL:[/color] +3[/sup][/center][hr] [hr][center][b]ATTACKS[/b] [sup][color=gray]MELEE:[/color] Bite +11 (1d8+10 plus Trip)[/sup][/center][hr] [hr][center][b]STATS[/b] [sup][color=gray]STR:[/color] 24 (+7) [color=gray]// DEX:[/color] 15 (+2) [color=gray]// CON:[/color] 19 (+4) [color=gray]// INT:[/color] 2 (-4) [color=gray]// WIS:[/color] 12 (+1) [color=gray]// CHA:[/color] 6 (-2) [/sup][/center][hr][hider=Skills & Feats] [b]SKILLS:[/b] [/hider][hider=Equipment & CC] [b]ARMOR/BARDING:[/b][list][*] +2 Leather armor (+2 armor bonus, +2 enhancement bonus, 0 AC penalty, 10% spell failure, 30lbs)[/list] [b]OTHER EQUIPMENT:[/b][list][*] Exotic riding saddle (50% chance to stay mounted, 30lbs) [*] Saddlebags (8lbs) [*] Bit and bridle (1lb) [*] 5 days worth of trail rations (1.25lbs) [*] 3 chunks of preserved meat (1.5lbs) [*] Animal harness (2lbs) [*] 50 feet of spider's silk rope (4lbs)[/list][hr][b]CARRYING CAPACITY:[/b] [sup][b]LIGHT LOAD:[/b] 699lbs [b]MEDIUM LOAD:[/b] 1,398lbs [b]HEAVY LOAD:[/b] 2,100lbs [b]MAX:[/b] 2,100lbs [b]LOG:[/b] 4,200lbs [b]DRAG/PUSH:[/b] 10,500lbs[/sup] [/hider]