Once Selina was sure Haru had gone, she flipped the dagger before making it vanish. She took one look at the gather crowd and said "Shows over, you lot can bugger off now". There were some mutter of how rude she was but the crowd did disperse quickly when they remembered that Selina had a dagger on her. Once they had all gone, Selina turned to Jen as she told her "Haru my Eldest sister and the leader of Shinobi no Shiki or Ninja's of four seasons, probably also second in command of Maribella forces here. I'm actually the youngest of 5, Haru, Natsu, Aki and Fuyu are my oldest siblings though only Aki and Fuyu would be my full blood siblings as we are all children of Maribella and Marcus, Haru and Natsu are half siblings as in we share a mother but not a father" She then thought about Jen second question "If I was to take a guess, I would assume she was here to assassinate Liam for Nigal who probably put a large bounty on his head as the Dark Dragon Master fears the light Dragon Master. Haru also has the title of Graceful Assassin, though, that face palm into the ground probably wasn't all that Graceful" she said, with a chuckle at that last part.