[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201123/117f24ebf11c0a01c648eeafeb796351.png[/img][/center][hr] Auberon paused his dig through the weapons cart to send a brief glace back toward the professors. Just as he'd expected, the students were going to be coddled. At least Michail stood up for them, though he wasn't quite sure how much good that would do, judging by how often he saw Euphemia whacking her brother with the nearest blunt object. Though after Imogen's display and utter lack of caution or sense, he supposed he couldn't really blame them for thinking of the class as children. At least she had the enthusiasm down - if Kayden could keep her in line well enough to keep her from walking into an ambush, anyway. The blond finally fished his axe out of the cluttered pile of sharp implements and weighed the weapon in his hand contemplatively. If they were ordered to keep moving, his hands were tied, but surely the professors weren't suggesting that a mere three people could take on a gang of bandits large enough to overtake an entire village. Knight of Seiros or not, they needed more manpower. Besides, a band of ruffians that made their living through intimidation of half-starved militiamen were no threat to a son of Daphnel. Even an irresponsible layabout like [i]Jorah[/i] seemed to agree, unless he'd grabbed that bow solely to pick off anyone else that travelled in the caravan's direction. When the thunderous boom in the distance suggested ordinary thieves weren't the culprit, Auberon was undeterred. If anything, that only strengthened his resolve. A thief might hold the bare minimum of virtue in that he simply wanted to survive, but the level of destruction that warranted a blast like that went beyond extorting some farmers for grain. To rid the world of that was both a spiritual and municipal duty. Violence for violence was the only answer in the face of the unrighteous. Thankfully, Michail didn't make him beg. Mention of taking the carriage was almost a convincing argument as to why they should stay behind, but he supposed there was wisdom in flying the banners of the Knights on their approach. Maybe the bastards would rout before the class even got there. Auberon reached back into the wagon to grab the only sword with a scabbard he recognized before he marched over and pushed the sheathed weapon against Kellen's chest. There was a pause in his movements, long enough for him to meet the other boy's gaze with a serious but not quite stern glance. [color=ffd700]"Come on,"[/color] He said firmly, then paced past without expection of an argument. Similarly, he turned his head toward the other two Lions and cleared his throat pointedly as he stepped up onto that accursed carriage again. He wasn't going to outright [i]make[/i] them go; as Michail had noted, this was a choice that carried some baggage, and an absent coward was still preferrable to a present liability. Still, if he found out Derec or Lienna was secretly competent and still avoided helping these poor people, they'd be getting an earful. He already had the scripture he was going to cite picked out. [hr][@ThatCharacter][@Obscene Symphony] [center][img]https://fireemblemwiki.org/w/images/thumb/0/07/FETH_Crest_of_Daphnel.png/60px-FETH_Crest_of_Daphnel.png[/img][/center]