[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/emyrla-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201226/3a4307b1cb6bc8c775a225379757de8c.png[/img][/url] [/center] [hr][hr] [center] [b]Level:[/b] 3 [i](9/30)[/i] [b]Word Count:[/b] 311 [b]Location:[/b] Edge of the Blue - Creature Beach [b]EXP:[/b] +1 [/center] [hr][hr] Not wanting to deal with any more of this world's primitives, Sephiroth elected to head towards the temple instead. At least there she could find some quiet place to ponder her next move, not to mention mend her ruined clothes, as her wounds appeared to have healed following her consumption of the blood. Setting off, her energy higher than it had ever been before, she made good time even with her torn up rigging. Seeming to skip across the landscape at high speed. At length however, she finally arrived, striding forward as though she owned the place, although this was muted somewhat. The encounters she'd had over the course of the previous days finally drilling some sense of caution into her brain. Coming to a halt just outside the temple's entrance, she moved over to one of the watery pools bubbling around the path she was on. Hopping the short four or three foot tall stone divider that separated her from the liquid, she unsheathed her blade and knelt at the water's edge. Submerging it, she began to wash the grime and blood free, staining the pool a feculent brownish-red in the process. After about a minute or so of scrubbing and picking though, she was done. Rising to her full height Sephiroth flicked the blade clean, sending droplets arcing through the air to stain the ground, before returning it to its sheath in a single well-practiced motion. Traversing the wall once more, the former SOLDIER carried on her way, boots clacking loudly against the pavement as she went. Coming to what appeared to be the main entrance, Sephiroth pushed open either door and stepped inside, being met with an unexpected yet not entirely unappreciated gust of cold air as she crossed the threshold. Now inside, she began an immediate search of her surroundings, eyes peeled for potential sources of danger.