[@MST3K 4ever] [@Maglar] [@Laser Kiwi] [@ForsakenBySleep] [@Xandrya] [center][b]Before heading into the orphanage with their plan in tow,Danny mentions he needs to have a bathroom break, and that he can't hold it. Someone suggests that he goes behind the orphanage to do so, while he was gone the group talked among themselves trying to decide what their next move was, this could be just a hoax that Matt and Joe may be involved in. Someone tampered with the vehicles and left a pretty good scratched word in the car door, never heard of ghosts doing that. Could be the townsfolk don't want strangers stirring up trouble,and this was their way of handling it. What was taking Danny so long to Pee? Someone called out to him, but there was no answer, so they went to check on him, and he was gone. However, his flashlight was on and lying on the ground, Shining a light on a worn path thru the tall grass leading into a different part of the forest. But, why would Danny just wonder off and without his flashlight. Shining their own flashlight, they made a small discovery of blood droplets on the tall grass. Danny didn't wonder off, he was taken.[/b][/center]