[quote=@Dog] What's the tech level for the "civilized" nations? (humans, dwarves, etc) [/quote] I am thinking of keeping it sort of standard medieval fantasy stuff, pre-gunpowder everywhere. Gunpowder is restricted to the dwarves who jealously guard the thing like crack, debating between either typical Norse dwarves or something different like Incan dwarves, might find a way of adding both. Elves don't have any conniptions of cutting down trees unlike in DF and have a fantasy Hellenic vibe to them with appearance and considering just about everyone else as "barbarians". Goblins and Kobolds are scrapper scavengers but gobbos have managed to recreate most technolgical wonders (to varying levels of success). Orcs are like a mix of Warhammer and Warcraft but much more hygenic.