“There is evidence from our research of the Cradle to suggest these things can practice a dormant state, with no power usage over long periods. That could be how it escaped detection for so long...” Freyr explained, biting her lip. “We don’t exactly know what would happen [i]if[/i] it ran out of power completely, but there is undeniably significant risk of permanent damage." “So we [b]are[/b] torturing it for information!” 595 snarled from off camera. Freyr snapped her head up to look at the Agent. “So you think we should just take the thing’s word for all this paradigm-shifting new information? That the Cradle is actually home to a quartet of life-giving machines, and that some new threat approaches our door? There are questions that need answering [b]before[/b] we reunite it with the Cradle, not after!” 595 nearly said more, but held her tongue. She was wary of giving away any more information. They were clearly arrayed against her, so she’d need to be much more subtle. Freyr looked back at Rareth when she began explaining her idea. “That could certainly improve the odds! Do we have a firm grasp of the object and the capabilities to move it into orbit?”