[center][img]http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj306/Carnage27/uoubanner_zps16a09dca.gif[/img][/center] [center] [b]Story So Far...[/b] [/center] [quote]| Background | The term superhuman had taken on a different meaning in the world during World War II. In order to combat the Nazi threat, the United States and the Allied Powers started Project Rebirth in order to create an army of super soldiers. The initiative only produced one success, however, and Captain America was deployed into the field to fight back the armies of evil. But it seemed fate was on the Allies sides, as vigilantes and superhumans emerged from the shadows to join him, creating the Invaders. The Allies’ superpowered force beat back evil until the day they lost their leader. Captain America fell in the process of stopping a last ditch effort by the Nazi deep science division HYDRA, signaling the end of superhuman involvement in the war. The remnants of the Invaders returned home and formed the Justice Society of America, fighting crime and injustice in the homeland before fading away. But as time went on it was clear that superpowers were here to stay. The mutant population began to skyrocket across the world, gifting a segment of the populace with extraordinary powers. This new subspecies of the human race was looked at with both fear and awe from the normal humans of the day. Some saw them as the next step in our genetic destiny, and others considered mutants a threat to all mankind. Yet still other powers came from the stars above. Unbeknownst to the populace, the planet had been visited by aliens of immense power. Some were good and some were evil, but they would all leave their mark on the planet in the end. In America, the UN, who feared what superhumans might mean to world peace, formed SHIELD, a peacekeeping organization dedicated to monitoring and neutralizing superhuman threats. All of this set up the great Heroic Age of the 21st Century. | Year One | The Heroic Age started off with a bang, as Superman and Batman debut on the same day, the former saving a crashing plane and the latter apprehending one of Gotham City’s most notorious criminals in one night. The weeks and months that follow saw a dramatic rise in superhero and vigilante activity as others looked to follow in their footsteps. Wonder Woman, Thor, and Aquaman appeared on the American coast and fought back a sea beast seemingly from legend. The Daredevil of Hell’s Kitchen, Power Man, and Iron Fist began fighting back against the Kingpin of New York. The scarlet speedster Flash zoomed around Central and Keystone City. Iron Man patrolled the skies of the world, rooting out the terrorist organization known as the Ten Rings. The young Spider-man became entangled in the web of the New York mob boss known as the Big Man. The X-Men revealed themselves to the world, fighting threats against the mutant and human populations of the world. The year went smoothly with the heroes of the world making the planet safer and more secure. That changes, however, when Superman accidentally released his native people from an inter-dimensional prison. The Kryptonian leader Zod, also revealed to be Superman’s father, attempted to conquer the Earth, and released his Kryptonian army on the masses. The great threat was only beat back by a gathering of heroes as well as the timely intervention of the Lantern Corps. Eventually Zod and his people were sealed back inside their cell, but the victory came at a cost. The governments of the world now saw what could happen if these heroes turned against them. The devastation of the Kryptonian Invasion led to the creation of HAMMER, a counterpart to SHIELD meant to have a proactive approach to the metahuman age. HAMMER would neutralize and detain anyone seen as a threat no matter if they were human, mutant, or superpowered. | Year Two | Where Year One began with triumph, Year Two began with tragedy. At the strike of New Years Eve 2013, the Earth saw the birth of the super villain when Electro attacked the annual Times Square celebration, stopped only by the timely intervention of Spider-man. At the same time, bomb strikes accompanied fireworks in Gotham, as the maniacal Joker held the city in terror, demanding that the Batman face him. This trend continued as the months rolled by. Superman tangled with the Parasite, Toyman, and Metallo. Tony Stark saw his technology stolen by an unknown enemy and used against him. Thor was forced to battle the minions of his brother Loki, and Aquaman clashed with the forces of his own corrupt family. The Flash’s twin cities are turned into a veritable city-sized trap by a group of villains calling themselves The Rogues. Every hero now seemed to have villains appearing to challenge them weekly, and many in the media wondered. A turning point was reached when the mutant terrorist known as Magneto killed Senator Robert Kelly, a known anti-mutant legislator. This set off a HAMMER witch hunt, forcing many heroes and mutants underground. The discovery of Captain America frozen in Arctic ice allows SHIELD a weapon in the covert wars against HAMMER. Cap is tasked with stabilizing superpowered relations by rooting out HAMMER's nefarious goals and neutralizing covert threats. To help in doing so, he is granted his own team dubbed The Avengers, and consisting of SHIELD's top field agents. The Super Powered Cold War lasted until the conflict between Latveria and Khandaq exploded on the other side of the world. Victor von Doom, sovereign of Latveria, desired an artifact from Teth Adam’s treasury, and was ready to start a war to get it. Large scale conflict was avoided only by the intervention of the newly formed Justice League and the Avengers. A coalition of the world’s most powerful heroes, the League neutralized both sides while the Avengers sabotaged Doom's fleet of robotic warriors, forcing a peace before the conflict grew. The actions of the two hero teams started a resurgence in the public’s faith of the superheroes, yet many remained skeptical of the good superpowers would bring. And in the shadows, a looming threat began to grow. Whispers of a Legion began reaching heroes’ ears, setting some on edge. This is the world of the One Universe. Will you save it? Or will you try to dominate it? [/quote] [b]Teams and Organizations[/b] The Justice League - Led by Superman, the Justice League stands as a beacon of hope and justice in the world. -Superman -Batman -Iron Man -Thor -Wonder Woman -Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) -The Flash -Aquaman -Martian Manhunter The X-Men - A team of mutants that have dedicated themselves to helping mutants and humans alike in an effort to bridge the gap between the two. -Cyclops -Marvel Girl -Beast -Black Lightning -Wolverine The Brotherhood - A radical group of mutants bent on mutant supremacy. -Magneto -Mystique -Plastique -Toad -Brick -Sabertooth The Corps - A Universal peacekeeping organization founded by the Guardians of Oa. They use the emotional spectrum to fight evil. -Green Lanterns - The powerful soldiers of the Corps, they use the green light of willpower. -Blue Lanterns - The support group of the Corps, Blue Lanterns are fueled by hope and boost the power of Green Lanterns. -Indigo Lanterns - Powered by compassion, they are the healers of the Corps. -Violet Lanterns - Powered by love, they are the jailers and rehabilitates. -Red, Orange, and Yellow Lanterns were a failed experiment eons ago by the Guardians. Their emotions ended up warping their users. They are now forbidden. -Novas - The "black ops" branch of the Corps, the Novas were brought into the fold when their planet was destroyed. They do not draw their power from the emotional spectrum, and instead get it from their planet's salvaged super computer. HAMMER - An organization bent on the control and suppression of mutants and superhumans. -Amanda Waller (leader) -Maria Hill (second in command) -Lex Luthor (consultant) -Bolivar Trask (consultant) -Suicide Squad (Black Ops Team) SHIELD - Dedicated to monitoring the world and protecting civilians from superhuman threats. -Nick Fury (leader) The Avengers - A black ops group that is SHIELD's go-to team. -Captain America -Hawkeye -BlackWidow -Rick Flag -Jessica Jones The Legion - A rumor shadow cabal which has been pulling the world's strings. [b]RULES[/b] -You may have 2 characters, and if you prove you can handle that, you can be granted a third and later a fourth. -You may choose any character from both universes, but no custom or Amalgam characters such as Darkclaw or Super Soldier will be allowed. -All characters can interact with each other, it is the same universe. -No Killing. Unnamed, faceless NPC's may be killed, but not major characters, or taken characters. Someone else may want to take up the character, or they may be important to another story. - You can go anywhere within the galaxy except planets already known to be destroyed, such as Krypton, although if you have the ability you may visit the ruins or asteroids. -You are your character, so act like it. Talk like them, use their dialogue. Do not exaggerate your powers, or pop-up here and there without explanation. BE Your character. -Several stories can be going at once, and you have the freedom to interact with other characters. If a PC doesn't wish to participate in a major event storyline, they don't have to. -You must post at least once every two weeks, though it is preferred that you post more. If you go two weeks without a post, your character is up for grabs. You will receive no warnings as it is your responsibility to keep track of your character. -Be serious, no slander, or impractical actions from your character. Example; "I found a crystal and now I own the world! You're all my slaves!" -If a major character is applied for, there will be a 24 hour period for other applicants. If there are multiple applications, the other players will decide who gets the character by casting their votes. Less popular characters can be given out on a first come, first server basis. -Sidekicks and legacy characters will be required to be permitted by the player orchestrating the mentor's role in the UOU. For instance, if you want to play Superboy, your acceptance will hinder on the player playing Superman, and his thoughts. -Respect the Gamemasters. If they make a request of you regarding the game, listen to them. Failure to adhere to GM and Hype! Moderator requests will result in expulsion from the game. -Be creative, and do not be afraid to try new and exciting things with old concepts. This is a new continuity - the laws of the regular DC and Marvel Universes are not set in stone. You want to have Matt Murdock never be Daredevil and make the Man Without Fear a Green Lantern? As long as it's well-thought out, it's encouraged. -And of course, all regular rules of the Guild apply. [b]One Universe: Marvel/DC RPG Season 1 Character Sheet Player Name: Character: Power and Abilities: Affiliation (Justice League, HAMMER, X-Men, etc): Alignment (Good/Evil/Walking the Line): Character Notes (Anything you would like to expand on [Established Rogues, NPCs, etc]): Background and Story So Far: Sample Post (At least 3 well thought out paragraphs as well as some dialogue): Roster Picture:[/b] [center] [b]Roster[/b] [b]Heroes[/b] Aquaman (Gowi) Batman (Byrd Man) Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers (Gowi) Energizer (Bounce) Miss Martian (Gowi) Robin (Nightrunner) Spider-man (HenryJonesJr) Superman (HenryJonesJr) [b]Walking the Land[/b] Deadpool (Gowi) Loki (Bounce) Man-Thing/Swamp Thing (Hound55) [b]Villains[/b] Sebastian Shaw (HenryJonesJr) Ultraman (DeathstrokeSW) [/center]