[center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/t_Vh_bCFIduE0YhNZqUtcFzHf7tICce1Nu1PmLZeTYA/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/546056855978377216/823258399663194172/dfrgthyujhyrgtef.png[/img] Level 4: 33/40 Location: Next to Shippy --> On Shippy. [@Lugubrious] [@ArchMage MC] [@DracoLunaris] Word Count: 1,294 Points Gained: 3 New EXP Balance--- Level 4: 36/40 [/center] Sakura looked over her shoulder as the hero named Link gave her a command. [color=f49ac2]"O-okay!"[/color] Kamek was going to do some crazy magic. The Street Fighter defended Shippy, smashing and bashing more Abyssals around with precise combinations. Strike strike shunpukyaku, strike shunpukyaku STRIKE! As formidable as she was, she was off her game. Nerves were getting to her. There was a tightness in her stomach and when her hands weren't clenched, they were shaking. Nonetheless, Kamek’s fireball got off. It connected! Sakura watched with wide eyes. The Harbor Demon wasn't happy about it. She locked onto Shippy and Sakura gasped, afraid. It fired and only just missed Shippy, the impact rocking the boat. Sakura felt that she could pull off a Critical Art. Her heart was pumping hot blood throughout her body. Kamek had gone up to the front of the ship and launched a big ball of damage. Why couldn't she do the same? That way they could damage both of the Harbor Demon's arms. [color=f49ac2]"Here I go! Watch out everyone!"[/color] Sakura clambered on top of the deck of the shrunk Shippy and dashed to the bow, Kamek and his clones scattering out of the way as she rushed over. Alerted by her declaration, Nadia skated over to help boost her up. [color=f49ac2]"I'm gonna shoot a fireball at that big lady!"[/color] She announced, pointing at her across the way. Blazermate was upgrading her zombie abyssals while Sakura was proclaiming something about launching a fireball, confused Blazermate said. [color=0072bc]”Are your fireballs stronger than Bowsers?”[/color] While Blazermate was preparing her zombies,the Engineer started to make another gun and dispenser as the previous ones had fallen into the drink after the cannon shell from the harbor demon landed right next to shippy. [color=f49ac2]"N-no, I don’t think so."[/color] Sakura answered, looking across the water. [color=f49ac2]"But this is my Critical Art! I learned it from Ryu-san himself, so it’s gonna be good!"[/color] She reassured herself. With no reason to doubt her, Nadia hastened to deliver a well-aimed punt to end a little scrap with an ornery Destroyer. She veered to the side to clear the way for her ally’s cannonade and shouted up to her. “Good to go. Knock ‘em dead! “ Sakura took a grounded stance, her body turning perpendicular to the distant Demon, one foot forward and the other back. She pulled her hands back and grasped the air around where her fireball would appear. Her inner energy would become external in a way so very few could do. [color=f49ac2]"Power and Skill! Shinku..."[/color] She began, blue flames beginning to lick up her fingers. [color=f49ac2]“Wait, no, hold on!” [/color] Sakura slapped the sides of her head. [color=f49ac2][i]”Sā!”[/i][/color] She shouted from her diaphragm. She pumped her fists and the flames became permanent. There was a burst of cherry blossoms that faded quickly, a manifestation of her willpower. She activated her V-Trigger I to increase the power, range, and damage of her fireballs. Her hands were flaming. [color=f49ac2]“A-all right, this is it, for real this time! Watch out!”[/color] She lined up the shot. This would be the longest ranged fireball of her life, but she was confident she could make it. [color=f49ac2]“You got this you got this you got this!”[/color] She whispered under her breath as she began to generate the Shinku Hadoken once more. Blazermate, having needed to keep her healing beam on Shippy as she upgraded her abyssal zombies, saw that Sakura was charging for something. She told her zombies to push out a bit and protect Shippy by dealing with the abyssals below, most of them now looking like things you’d see in body horror shows with bones and spikes and all sorts of weird things sticking out of them. Hopefully this would alleviate the damage Shippy was taking as she put her healing beam onto Sakura and hit her with a dose of Kritz. Sakura reacted immediately, flinching from the Kritz. [color=f49ac2]”W-wuh! Woah! This is…!”[/color] Her hands and gloves were bursting with power! She glanced over her shoulder at Blazermate and figured this must have been some kind of power up. Sakura retook her stance and began charging her Shinku Hadoken. All this power- it- hurt! Fortunately she was being healed. But her body was not trained enough to handle this much Ki. [color=f49ac2][i]”Shinku...Nekketsu!”[/i][/color] Hot-blood. The fire turned from blue to bright pink. Sakura was breathless, her hands were shaking! Electricity crawled across her fingers like lightning had struck a volcano. The orb shivered in mid air as it grew in size and luminescence. [color=f49ac2][i][b]“HADO KEEEEN!”[/b][/i][/color] She dragged the fireball through the air like it weighed a thousand pounds and then released it. It exploded outward and Sakura held the pose, her extended arms and palms channeling the energy. It streaked over the heads of the combatants and barreled to the Harbor Demon at blistering speeds. Sakura exhaled and fell to one knee. [color=f49ac2]“W-woah..!”[/color] She watched her fireball travel away from her. Blazermate was pretty impressed with the large fireball that Sakura had fired out. Big bowser spit out fireballs like crazy, but this one felt like it had a lot of punch behind it, even without the kritz! The outrageous spectacle careened downrage, its baleful overabundance of power practically mutilating the air it crackled through. A mere moment after Sakura released it the wild force of the Shinku Nekketsu Hadoken collided with the defensive arm of the Harbor Demon, eliciting both a skull-rattling blast and an ear-piercing howl. Chunks of hardened flesh like shattered marble burst outward across a wide area, and the Harbor Demon was thrown back against her own weapons platform. That sudden, unexpected impact jolted the pitch-black engine of destruction, diverting its aim by just a few milimeters--little more than a hair. And yet that insignificant distance meant that her withering repartee did not kill a handful of Seekers outright. Instead, Shippy’s rearmost fourth disappeared. It was more or less vaporized in an instant, although the resultant cloud owed its constitution to metal shreds and splinters rather than water. A guttural groan resounded from the living vessel as her entire length twisted in pain. Most of the cabin and the quarterdeck were obliterated; of Brineybeard there was no trace. Though self-guiding to an extent Shippy was transfixed by her trauma, and without someone in control began to drift. Across the Harbor Demon struggled to stay afloat, clutching at her weapons platform for support with brutalized hands. Blazermate, at seeing the Harbor demon fire, raised her shield and got low. Thankfully due to Sakura’s supercharged fireball, the shot changed angle slightly. Blazermate was unsure if the shot would’ve hit them or not, but it really damaged shippy. [color=0072bc]”” That was close!” [/color] Blazermate said, getting her beam back on shippy as the kritz ended. There were reasons she medabattled and wasn’t a war medabot! If only there wasn’t so much water! Sakura was sitting on the deck, staring at the missing rear quarter of the boat, eyes wide. They’d been hit, but...[color=f49ac2]”Mr. B-Brineybeard...is he..?”[/color] Blazermate had to do a bit of a double take at the mention of the sea captain, how could she forget about him? Looking around, Blazermate looked for him, however Blazermate couldn’t find anything on her scanner regarding the bloke. It made sense why she never got a warning or anything, he had just gotten completely obliterated. And she’d better keep shippy up, otherwise more bad things could happen! Sakura was in shock. There was a ringing in her ears and she hadn’t got up from her spot on the deck. Her V-Trigger sputtered to an early end. Hyperventilating, Sakura got to her feet. [color=f49ac2][i]"Brineybeard-san!"[/i][/color] She called out, voice strained. Running over to the back of the ship her eyes frantically searched the water for any sign of the pirate captain.