[b]Name[/b]: [b]Morwyn[/b] Morwyn, Goddess of Witchcraft, is a woman of many faces. Benign, wicked or somewhere inbetween, she teaches Mankind, and by extension, mortals, how to manipulate the universal forces of magic through witchcraft, a form of magic she created. She is benevolent and virtuous at the moment, however, she is also vain beyond belief, and manipulative. The sheer power she wields may over take her heart, one day. [hider=My Hider] [b]Domain[/b]: Witchcraft, the magical power to effect change in the universe through force of will, life force manipulation and emotional energy. Thus Witchcraft is capable of a great many things too extensive to list. However, as mortals are mortals, they cannot match a deity's level of power, regardless of the witch. White Magic, when specialized in, increases a person's moral and ethical character, making them more benevolent and kind. Grey Magic, and yes there is such a thing in Witchcraft here, can be used for various purposes just like Black and White Magic. For example, magic related to animals, plants, and illusions are basically Grey Magic spells. Black Magic, on the other hand, can be carefully manipulated for non-evil related purposes. The same spell that can be used to cripple, maim and torture someone can be used to merely defend an adherent of Black Magic from murder. [b]Myth[/b]: [b]From "The Tome Of All-Seeing" [/b] Morwyn is the goddess of affecting change throughout the universe, the world and mortals through the magic of Witchcraft. It was she that has brought change to the world by discovering the One True Magick. That of the Witch. When the world was burning, and Mankind was dying, Morwyn took pity on them and taught them how to survive a rough and uncaring world. She was the first God to discover the Age of Mysticism. When the people would cry out for safety, Morwyn would hide them in plain sight. When the people would cry out for warmth, she would light mysterious fires to keep them warm. When the people would cry out for food or water, she would manipulate nature it'self, through her force of will, to produce vegetables and fruit, fresh, clear water, or even wine, for them to eat or drink. Eventually, many, if not all of these followers for Morwyn became witches themselves, both men and women. However, as she was ever obsessed with power, and knowledge, Morwyn delved deeply into the secrets of the universe through meditation and astral projection. After hours of study, the Goddess found the knowledge she was looking for. Some of us who worship her believe she had discovered the secret of Omniscience. According to them she had learned all things of all the universe, in every universe, of all time, past and present, throughout all eternity beyond time. Our goddess, mother of magic, learned and understood, briefly, how all magic works. Not just The Craft. It was this knowledge which altered her into The Nine In One. Now, there is no one of Mankind or of the Gods who knows her secrets, or what she found. According to some, the results of discovering all knowledge throughout every dimension and all time was too much even for her mind, and she fractured into The Nine Gods. The Nine Aspects of her divinity, all manifestations of her will, personality and experiences. All that is truly known is that through her obsession of knowledge and power, to do good, has driven her mad. However, she still lives. It is said that during the Season of Samhain, she still exists in full. It is during this time that we revere her most. [b]Base Form:[/b] [hider=My Hider] [url=https://imgur.com/BLczFOy][img]http://i.imgur.com/BLczFOy.jpg?2[/img][/url] [/hider] [b]True Form[/b]: [hider=My Hider] [url=https://imgur.com/X4Yq8D4][img]http://i.imgur.com/X4Yq8D4.png[/img][/url] [url=https://imgur.com/Bfhe60l][img]http://i.imgur.com/Bfhe60l.jpg?1[/img][/url] [/hider] [b]Musical Theme:[/b] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5VhscZJXcE [/hider]