“Oh no, I couldn’t possibly...” Princess Chen grew immediately flushed and cut herself off. Of course, Chen didn’t need an allowance. Of course. She carried some coinage in her bags for travel needs, and her reputation alone, people would happily trade her for a future favor or a good word with one of her mothers (though the cactus episode had taught her to spend [i]that[/i] currency carefully indeed). Besides that, it would be incredibly rude for her to accept gifts like this given her station, and on top of that accepting a gift would mean that she would owe Rose a favor, which was out of the question given everything she knew now. It was definitely improper and she shouldn’t do it. But...she wanted Rose to give her a little gift and make a big deal of it. She sort of even wanted Yue to laugh again, even at her. “That is...I...um...it would be rude...but...er...if you insisted...” Chen is barely getting words out in between short breaths as her embarrassment grows and her voice gets progressively higher as an embarrassed squeak builds in her throat instead. She can’t bear Rose looking at her that way, but can’t take her eyes off either, and with words failing her, she manages just the tiniest little nod that yes she wants this very much. The cherry tomato flush making her want to sink into the earth (or into Rose...aaaaah) finally becomes too much and she yanks her eyes down, looking back up just a sliver to see if Rose is indeed giving her anything. [Chen is very much enticed and now flustered]