[@MajorGremlin] Rick rolled his eyes and sighed as he shook his head, because this whole little detour had been a huge waste of time and he could care less about the anime god, the king or even that weird homeless guy. However the smaller scientist could be useful, so before he continued Rick grabbed the smaller scientist and hoisted him under and arm with a loud burp. [color=6ecff6]"H-h-*belch*-hey you know what I think your all pieces of shhhhiiiiiiit!"[/color] he flipped them off with a smug smile [color=6ecff6]"Go-go-ga-*belch*-gadget Rick boots!"[/color] and with that he sped off with the small scientist tucked beneath his arm, as he screamed all sorts of obscenities about being better than everyone and that he was a god.