[quote=@MajorGremlin] One moment, Higgsbury was on his two perfectly-working feet, then the next; he was yanked into the air and within the grasp of the taller doctor. Like a kitten grabbed by its scruff, Wilson froze for a good minute before looking up at Rick with the most confuzzled expression. Flushed with embarrassment, to say the least… [color=9e0b0f]“Mr. Sanchez, I may be small but I’m not some sort of ‘purse chihuahua’ to haul arou---”[/color] Suddenly, they’re bolting off in another direction with the taller fellow spewing the complete opposite of… [i]Gentlemanly language[/i] and something about being a God. [color=9e0b0f]“Wh-where are we going!? What are you--!?”[/color] [/quote] [quote=@ZAVAZggg] Trollge looked up to the sky, momentarily halting his thrashing of the man beneath him, who used this opportunity to try and escape. Calmly snapping the man's neck, he pulled a pair of inflatable water wings out of his suit pocket and slipped them on. [color=red]"Air is lighter than oxygen. Air floats on oxygen."[/color] Hyperventilating, Trollge began to rise and chased after Rick as he soared through the deep blue sky. [/quote] Rick Sanchez had been about to say something witty before he spotted a real life creepypasta and it took the man a second to recognize that the meme in question was Trollge. [color=6ecff6]"We were about to go on a Rick a-*belch*-and Higgsbury adventure but apparently the living meme is after us."[/color] he sounded quite unimpressed, but continued speeding down the road until coming to a complete halt before an official looking building.