Presenting Terminator: Dominion. You were doing anything, saving your world, having a party, having a blast, or whatever you wanted to do. Today, however would not be a good day considering your world's sky had gone dark. You were wondering what was going on. Turns out your world was suddenly having odd confidences of technology going on the fritz. No matter what you tried to do to it, the technology wouldn't respond to even ripping it out of it's socket. It was connected to someone, something or even... it perhaps. Nobody would tell you what this "it" was, and why any form of technology was going on the fritz in your world. However, the technology would start only going on the fritz once a giant blue time bubble arrived on the scene. Not only was this creature naked and fleshy, it looked like a normal human being, right? Perhaps. Or not. This phenomenon had been effecting world after world, timeline after timeline. But something else weird happened that day, you received a weird static message flashing trying to get through to you as a simple message "shhhsssssshh If.. you hear this message... I can help you but you gotta help me first." It's up to you if you accept this person's offer. He might be your salvation or worst enemy. Nobody really knows. Is this man lying? See for yourself. Come to 2018. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This allows you the chance to take up a job in the terminator world using various multiverse characters or ocs if you wish!