[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/b320BZk.png[/img][/center][indent][indent][indent]Mister Violet was an interesting man, if not a little worrisome in his flippancy. Yet, Mademoiselle Noir seemed more than interested and that was enough for Moses. He didn’t care to get all his conversation out now. He had much to discuss at Wilde Hall, a place with food, drinks, chairs, and far less dirt—hopefully. Moses bristled as Mister Violet reached into his jacket, only to calm as the other pulled out the silver case. Why was he so ready for someone to shoot him? That aside, it confirmed what Moses had suspected—Mister Violet was rich. He’d guessed that the other was well off, but this cemented Moses’s need to at least seem happy about their current situation. He extended the lighter and watched as the cigarette flickered to life. [b][color=ac2100]”I am a man cut of certain cloth, and I have a lucrative business based in sin.”[/color][/b] His voice a little gravelly from the acrid smoke hitting the back of his throat. [b][color=ac2100]”Amen.”[/color][/b] Moses split his concentration between the conversation going on behind him and the woods around them all. While his attempt at humor about the wolves hadn’t gotten the reaction he’d wanted, it didn’t mean that was entirely flippant about the possible dangers. There was something both suffocating and isolating about the trees. They clung to the narrow path like a firm hug, but there seemed to be acres of darkness between them. He shook his head as he pulled the cigarette from his lips, smoke painted against the light from the lanterns. [i]The Great War…[/i] it seemed as if the Mademoiselle had more to her than just the appearance of a well-dressed Frenchwoman. [b][color=ac2100]”Not to pry too much, masks-in-all, but I take it neither of you are from around Arkham? Haven’t been privy to mysteries surrounding Wilde Hall?”[/color][/b] Moses raised a brow. [b][color=ac2100]”Or do you know somethin’ I don’t?”[/color][/b][/indent][/indent][/indent] [@Romero][@Lady Selune]