[img] https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.Rhw3yi4ZrH7zM2uB0EbK4AHaE8%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img] Ellie couldn’t sleep. Between having to work on a banged up car that absolutely [i]reeked[/i] of Marlboros, watered down booze and what she assumed was some kind of weed and the usual 150 push-up, 150 leg kick exercise she always did before even touching the punching bag at her apartment...Ellie was a little wide awake. More so than most people would be at this hour. Then again, aren’t heroes typically up at night anyway? Currently the woman was sitting up in her bed staring out a window. 12:01. It was dark out. A little too dark for her tastes. What’s a girl with steel-crushing strength to do on such a dead night like tonight? The only thing she never gets tired of, obviously. Ellie threw on some pants, and her boots, oh and the gloves. They’re sexy. The only sounds that accompanied Ellie in the dead silent, barely illuminated apartment were the accession along sound of crickets or the flash of a firefly. It felt like all of Tenebrae was sound asleep. Naturally of course, someone was undoubtedly out and about stirring up trouble. There were always self made heroes and self made baddies out at this night. Ellie was used to the idea of going around and beating on the bad guys. She’d been doing it since high school. God, this building was so damn quiet...Ellie grabbed her keys and her gun, the two room apartment she lives in wasn’t very bad to look at, nice couch, nice tv, pretty open kitchen across the way if you wanna watch the news while you whip some eggs, even a punching bag hooked to the ceiling. Ellie’s phone light was all she was using to see, didn’t need the bright lights. Her apartment was on the third floor, at least 50 feet up from the ground, give or take. Typically, people climb three flights of stairs and leave through the main entrance, passing by tens of tens of doors where others lived. At least, normal people do. [hr] Ellie hopped out of her bedroom window and closed it behind her. She was standing on the metal staircase that acted as a fire escape. There weren’t even cars on the road. Down on the ground was the garage where people parked. This was also the destination of Ellie’s...shortcut. [i]Thud[/i] A flash of sunlight was the only thing to break the dreary facade of Tenebrae’s midnight. A falling star from the third floor onto the ground, right by the front entrance to the building. Ellie landed feet first on the pavement light as a feather. She strolled off the path and into the garage, like an angel just descended from heaven in a padded rider’s jacket. Down she went to find her ride with a click of the keys and a chirp of the beast. [hider=Contains imagery with immaculate sexual appeal (Source: Ellie) Viewer discretion advised] [img] https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.cx39_v389zDfRbEcAZr9UgHaEi%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img] [/hider] Ellie’s motorcycle was old but gold. The back had storage trunks, out of which she pulled a solid black helmet and rode out with style, and discretion. 12:20. The air was chilly and crisp. Nothing Ellie wasn’t used to. The steers were quiet as she took the pace a little slower, only going 20 down the roads. Nights like this brought her peace, even if she couldn’t sleep through them. Most of the bad guys she dealt with were at night, every now and then someone throughout the day hours got roughed up, but most of it was in the face of few eyes. Life was good. What was that sound? Was that smoke she smelled? [color=ff6130]”That’s not right...”[/color] And so she sped on, following the distant crashing noises that shook the calm of the night. Trouble. Her head was calm and clear, this isn’t unusual to her. Well, it is, but if it’s a bad guy, nothing new would be found. And found she did. A bomber. She rolled up to the end of a street, a good 20 feet away from where a jewelry store was being raided. Cars ablaze on the sides of the road. This was a mess. Ellie slowly brought her bike closer and closer, a final blast shook the store. It seemed someone was trying to cause a distraction to direct attention to the damages. Either way, that final blast gave away the intent. Parking the bike on its leg, she stepped off. Night became day. Ellie’s clothes began to permeate a warm, orange light as she bravely and coldly strolled down the streets building up energy across her body. 15 feet, more light. 10, more light. She was coming up on the scene like a human candle, the light wasn’t very spectacular considering how much of her body was covered, but she stuck out. Finally she stood outside a shattered window, inside was a thief haphazardly bagging whatever he could. Easy pickings, really. It’s certainly bold to just walk up to someone who’s blowing things up when all you’re planning on fighting with is your hands, but that’s really all this girl needs. Besides, there isn’t much that can get past her Sunlight. A sharp [i]crack[/i] of the knuckles in Ellie’s two hands proceeded the very much intentional announcement of her presence, oh, and so did her yelling. [color=ff6130]”Knock knock, chucklefuck.”[/color]