The little Pokemon looked up to Michael as he answered him, his eyes widening at the idea of him understanding what he had said. [i]"I have heard about Celebi. Father talks about you occasionally."[/i] The little Pokemon said, Saveri tilted his head slightly. "Father? Do you mean Arceus?" He asked, the small Pokemon nodded his head before he flinched as he heard hooves nearby, moving to hide behind Michael again. [i]"Father says I'm not allowed out. I'm not allowed to meet people."[/i] The Pokemon said, Saveri moved to kneel down to look at him, looking him over. "You're... Part Arceus, aren't you?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Carrish was close behind Bear the entire time, bouncing around him as she darted along. She flipped over a few things before she reached Groudon first, landing on his shoulders with a bigger grin. [i]"Land boy, we require battle area."[/i] She said carefully. [i]"Primeape, I, Fight."[/i] [i]"Who would you prefer?"[/i] Bia asked as she looked down to Lytse, offering her arms to him. [i]"Would you rather start small and go up the sizes? Any Type preference?"[/i] She wanted to ask many questions, but she also didn't want to overload the small creature. She glanced towards Michael with the strange looking Pokemon before looking back to Lytse. [i]"He still loves you, a Starter will always be a special Pokemon for trainers."[/i] Gavin followed Nethan carefully, as soon as they were out of the earshot of everyone he relaxed slightly. "The Human I brought along... I think she's in love with me." He admitted, rubbing the back of his head, "I don't think... I feel the same." Xapher smiled back to Mindy, "I'm trying to be good." He admitted, "Voltar and Ezzar told me not to just in case I angered anyone with them." He said as he rubbed his head. Storm gave a soft laugh and moved to rub Xapher's head, she glanced back towards Mindy again. "Honestly not a lot of us have." She admitted, "The Lake trio have met the least amount of humans, well of course apart from Father." Ilias grinned to Ilios as he said he agreed, moving to gently headbutt him in the chin as a show of affection. "We should have gotten Netherlu to decorate, with all of his rainbow abilities~!" She grinned, hearing Rainbow and Ho-Oh in the same sentence. Ilias looked around with a soft sigh, she made eye contact with Niccia as she glanced down towards the new Pokemon Michael was talking to. Frosiien leaned her head against Andy's shoulder, she glanced to him as he thought to himself. "Would you like another drink?" She asked him quietly, "I can go grab you anything. Or we could move on to see someone else?" She asked with a small smile.