Chas nodded and patted his mate on the shoulder, "I'll see you and the girls in the morning" he told him, he knew he was lying through his teeth, as it was clear as day how turbulent the acquaintance between John and Renee was. Everyone around them knew how much each other despised the other, but always appreciated the fact they tried to remain neutral for Chas and Geraldine's sake. John was after all still the godfather to his daughter. Satisfied that John would stay sat down for a bit, he left the house and went home for the night. Kay was unaware that she was getting comfort from Serena's shadows, but Fee wasn't. Fee from within Kay's soul appreciated the help in trying to calm Kay, knowing that any help was a good thing. Without it, Kay's fire ability could get out of control like once before in an abandoned apartment block where she fell asleep near an old barrel from a previous squatter. Her nightmares became too much for her and she set the barrel and its contents on fire. The smell of fire and smoke stirred Kay awake and made her make a swift exit, in denial that it was of her doing before seeing the fire fill the floor of the apartment block and break through the windows. So the last thing Fee wanted was for Kay's powers to become unstable and possibly burn down John's house.