Cs Name: Luna Gender: Female Age: 20 Species: Neko Faction: Pixie Appearance: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/c4xpRDbw/IMG-20210408-WA0023.jpg[/img] Personality: Luna is a intelligent Neko who enjoys the night. Almost all of her spare time is observing the night sky, the moon, stars and anything else she can see through her observatory. Despite being a salem witch, Luna is the least evil of them all. She's kind and caring to others even to her enemies. When she is fighting she will defeat them but will heal their wounds after the fight and make sure they don't die. While she can't stop the other Salem Witches from killing at least she can be merciful. That is just her Neko nature. Powers: Lunar Manipulation, Moon Phase Empowerment, Moon Stone Empowerment, Night Empowerment, Moonstone Constructs, Moon Magic Constructs, Moonlight Constructs, Moon Shifting Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Moonstone Staff of Eternal Night Other: ------- Cs Name: Monkai Gender: Male Age: Unknown Species: Monkare Faction: Monkare Appearance: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/C1jfVpzH/IMG-20221211-WA0029.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/W3j1gF1g/IMG-20221212-WA0002.jpg[/img] Personality: Monkai is a short tempered, aggressive and violent warrior. He isn't one to take no for an answer. When he wants something, he'll get it one way or another. Monkai enjoys fighting and often seeks out strong opponents to spar against. He forms rivalries extremely easy, constantly working himself to best those who he sees may be stronger than him or one day surpass him. Monkai isn't stupid though, he may be confident but he will never allow his enemies to get stronger even if it may provide a better fight. If they want to get stronger, they'll have to work for it. Powers: Primal Elemental Manipulation Rage Manipulation Mystical Monkey Magic Monkey Arts Dragon Physiology Ki Energy Manipulation Self Ascension Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other: Ascension levels: Ascended 1 Ascended 2 Ascended 3 ultimate stronger then 2 Ascended Legendary stronger then 3 Ascended god Money Auras Mastered: Green creation Pink closed mind, instincts gut feelings Silver speed, precision, force Red fire, rage/wrath Indigo duplication Emerald purity, Energy concentration Cyan Absorption selfishness Magic