The barracks were better than Manald had actually expected. There was a reasonable amount of windows to allow for enough ventilation to continuously blow away the stench of sweat, farts and other things, and the lycanthrope would make sure that the one next to his bed would stay open at all times. Every bed had two levels, one for each person, and he had been lucky to get the upper level first. Ignoring the small barrage of complaints coming from the man below him that the whole construction might break down if he moved to much, he was looking forward to a good portion of sleep. If [i]only[/i] it had not been for that set of fleshy and in his case overly large and sensitive extensions to one's head that were called 'ears'. This were the barracks, not the war room or any of the private quarters for much higher ranking people next to it. Even if the assassins had chosen to come here them roaming around would not have caused a comparable degree of confusion as there already were plenty of tired or simply less disciplined men caused a plethora of disturbances echoing though the hallways. An explosion however, even though only a small one and a few buildings away from his bed, nearly instantly transitioned Manald back to the state of readiness. A very grumpy one one might argue though. Manald did not even bother to exchange his simple sleeping garments for something more appropriate for an outside environment, but headed outside with just barely more than his humble self. Where had this bang come from ? He had been asleep at the point of time, but a rough idea about directions was still there. Also, as he took in as much air as he could in order to unfold his lungs again, the lycanthrope could pick up a faint trail of something else... It smelled repulsively enough to trigger further attention. If it had not been for Manald's general lack of any idea about what was truly going on currently, the two hooded figures might have passed by the hulking, hairy figure unharmed and walked into oblivion. The way things were however pretty much everyone who did not look like either a close friend or someone completely drunk from the ongoing festivities was a person of interest to him. Also they moved away from the castle just a tad too fast to remain unnoticed on the streets. Without a plan, but looking forward to some, any kind of reason to deliver a rant at somebody, Manald extended his arm in a swift move to get a hold onto the other man's shoulder. The other assassin realized that it had beed a mistake to stay on course just to render themselves less suspicious and sped up his steps, but there was no escape from the vice grip for his companion. [color=darkgreen]"What are you two little buggers doing out here ? Did everybody think you two are childs and refused to offer you some ale, huh ?"[/color] Manald's stare was disrupted by some rapid movement of his eyelids. This sleep was far from complete!