According to ancient myth, when the first goblin was born, he looked for a home. The Dwarves said he was too weak willed to survive underground, away from the sun. The Elves said he was too crude to live in their forests of elegance in their treehouse villages. The humans said they were too uncouth to live within their high walls. And the Orcs said the Goblins were too small to survive their harsh badlands home. So, turned away from a home for not being enough, he pleaded with the Gods to make him worthy of a home. For seven days and seven nights he prayed to the heavens and on the final day, the first goblin was granted a boon. The Gods told him he would never be strong enough to live underground like the Dwarves, he would never been graceful enough to live in trees like the Elves, he would never be refined enough to live like Humans and he would never be big enough to live like Orcs. But he and his descendants would be able to survive anywhere they wished for the Gods had granted them an ability that triumphed over all the others: Adaptability. Now the Goblins of Clawcrest find themselves like their mythical ancestor, expelled from their home by an army of ancient and terrible monsters. Those lucky few who escaped their wraith fled into the wilderness, leaving behind all they had known. Now, finally free from the gaze of the monsters, a group survivors find themselves in a woodland clearing within the forest called "Shipslaughter" with meager provisions but a legacy of survival behind them. [hr][hr][CENTER][H1][b]T U R N Z E R O[/b][/H1][H3]Spring 01[/h3][/CENTER] [hr][hr] Settlement Status: Nothing Population: 20 Goblins Inventory: [b]Food:[/b] 40/40 [b]Drink:[/b] 40/40 [b]Resources:[/b] - N/A [b]Medicine:[/b] - Herbal Medicine x5 [b]Equipment:[/b] - Wheelbarrows x2 - Goblinite Tools x5 [b]Wargear:[/b] - [i]<>[/i] (Legendary Artifact Shield) - Goblinite Spears x5 - Wooden Clubs x3 - Shortbows x 5 w/ Goblinite Arrows c 65 [b]Misc:[/b] - N/A