IC Posts should be something like: [quote] [hider=Turn X Actions] Main Focus: Blah Secondary Task: Bloop Other Tasks: Moop [/hider][/quote] IC Posting should be of [i]intent [/i]and not [i][i]result [/i][/i](GM posts are for that). "I go to build a hut" or "I go hunting" instead of "I built a hut" or "I hunted a deer". GM posts will decide the outcome of your actions depending on skills of you and your gang which means you can fail at something if you don't have any skills in it. Some actions (like building a large construction) might take multiple turns. Focusing on your Main Focus will of course speed up that one thing and doing more things at once can slow you down but it might be benifical to juggle multiple projects at once with a large enough group. More info will be added here as need. [quote]1 Turn = 3/4 Days. Goblins need 1 unit of Food and Drink per turn or they begin to starve. Four turns without food and two turns without drink will kill a goblin by starvation.[/quote] [quote]Time flows much faster in this RP and uses a Rimworld-based system of 4 seasons that are 15 days long resulting in a 60 day year. With each turn being 3 to 4 days, this means each season is 4 to 5 turns and a whole year is 16 turns minimum and 25 turns maximum (This gap is to allow wiggle room for more packed events like battles or other things). This is dramatically faster than trying to do it day by day and relying on timeskips. People age normally with this reduced year, a 60 year old in this world is still going to be like a 60 year old irl.[/quote] [quote]Tools are a catch-all name for any tool (hammer, axe, hoe, etc) used in some work. They are a gameplay simplification. Assume that if someone is using a tool, its the tool they need even if someone else who just used it used it for something else (IE you are using 5 tools as hammers but the person before you had used them as 5 axes). Imagine they're magical goblin swiss army knives on sticks.[/quote]