Here's an Idea Super hero x Sidekick *** SCARLET & CRIMSON Super Hero [Center][IMG][/IMG] The Scarlet Storm[/Center] Scarlet is a powerful Speed elemental who earned the latter part of her name due to her attacking style which strikes her foes with powerful sonic booms and hurricane force winds generated by her movements Side Kick [Center][IMG][/IMG] Crimson Flyer[/Center] Crim is a speed elemental as well but younger and less experienced Scarlet and Crimson both hail from the world of Va'Rom and have been appointed guardians of the Sacred world of Tara where legend say the White Pheniox shall be born anew. (White Pheniox is the vessel of Universal Life her counter part the Black Pheniox is Death and he is to be born elsewhere. Once the two are know to exist then they will be brought together to begin the end of the Universe which isn't a bad thing and not immediate. That is so long as the White Pheniox has a pure soul free from worry and strife) Till they discover the WP there will be a cycle of Mistress an Subordinate who will wait and protect the holy world. Scarlet is the 9th Mistress and Crimson the 15th Subordinate (Subs die often before they can be elevated) S&C come from a race known to live as much as 500 - 1,000 years old but will each spend only as much time as it requires to become equal in skill and power. Once the Sub equals the Mistress then the old Mistress retires and a new Sub is sent from Va'Rom to begin the cycle all over again They both live aboard Cen'Ta a living ship that has waited now 3,760 years on Tara to sense the WP. (Cen is sensitive to the WP's life force) I Know they're short write-ups but most rough drafts are