Though much of what was exchanged between the Immortals left Karan perplexed, especially at the calculating way in which they reasoned themselves into wanting to help out Lugh (who the dark-skinned shrine maiden had originally thought was their otherworldly comrade-in-arms), there was a visible expression of relief on her face when the group consensus became to help out. She turned towards Ames, addressing the red-haired youth (who, judging by his looks and his stalwart behavior, must be the sub-leader of this party, only second to Lugh) with a smile and a truck load of information. Shirin had planned on giving all this information to whoever took the quest to begin with, so surely she wouldn't mind Karan doing it now? [b]"Um, well, first off, thank you all very much for accepting my request,"[/b] she said, bowing deeply. [b]"Though new to the shrine, Lugh Dysphoria has been a great contributor and patron of our services, and his singleminded devotion to the slaying of foul spirits has been inspirational to quite a few of our younger acolytes. As for your question though, um, sir, I've never encountered a lamia up in person myself, but I've heard that they're half-snake, half-humans, roughly the height of...say if that big man hugged that small woman around her knees and then fused into just a serpent's tail? Something like that."[/b] She nodded; the visual made sense in her mind, and one of the older exorcists had always talked about how lamias were depraved fusions of two humans. [b]"Most of them are just natural monsters, very strong, very fast, and with the ability to release venom, but some of the scarier ones have these bewitching eyes that, hm, can control the weak-willed? And the scariest ones can transform as well, from full human to full snake, whichever they think works better."[/b] Definitely a scary thought. She shivered at it even now, wondering if somewhere in the crowd, a shapeshifted lamia was listening in on the conversation. [b]"And as for where these lamia are..."[/b] Karan pursed her lips together, wondering if such taboo information should truly be shared. She had Shirin's permission, but still... [b]"We've received word from other adherents that this particular group of lamia reside within the Blasphemed Tunnels, an underground network in the Thunderstruck Grove where only the truly wicked reside. Wretched sinners, taboo-breakers, a whole array of horrific spirits and monsters, who think only to use their intelligence to further their malice. Few venture in and survive, and those who do are irrevocably altered by the unholy revelations seared into their consciousness, cursed forever with maledictions of the darkest powers."[/b] But Lugh, without hesitation, had plunged into that horrific place. She could only hope that, if he made it out, he would be spared the psyche-shattering that so many others had experienced within. [b]"I can't pinpoint a location on a map for you to pursue, but surely Lugh will have left signs for you to follow?"[/b] [sub][@Shovel][@Searat][@Psyker Landshark][@OwO][@Yankee][/sub][hr] [b]“Certainly wouldn’t be good for the smithing economy if everyone toted around unbreakable objects,”[/b] Bortz replied with a chuckle. His eyebrows lifted slightly at Ari’s remark, before shaking his head. A meaty hand slapped against his pristine armor, the metal echoing like a drum against the force of the blow. [b]“And I wish this were custom-made. Ya know the San-Li? West side of the continent? The folk there’ve got nice ties with Deneb, which is like, the Euro-fantasy land with knights and dragons, and they’ve got some pretty steady trade routes set up with them as a result.”[/b] Another laugh came from the hearty man. [b]“Cultural exchange, innit? Got this from one of the merchants. Wasn’t cheap, but custom-made be easily twice more expensive. Everything else was just farming and buying ‘round Nyu-Taro. That San-Li shopping trip was just a quest n all.”[/b] Before either could continue the conversation however, a plume of flame surged down the road, skidding to a stop before it could collide with the carriage. Man Joji pulled hard on the reins as the mule bleated out what was probably an expletive, but Vator, wreathed still in the effects of the strange transportation power of his, didn’t care. [b]“Bortz, Droko, uh Ari, we’ve got company!”[/b] Cresting up the path was a plume of dust, and sharper ears would pick up the sound of stampeding hooves. Bandits? Horses? [b]“Remind me, Vator, why did you lead them to us?”[/b] Droko said, the tattoos on her body lighting up with arcane energy as she flexed her muscles. [b]“Well what was I supposed to do, solo them?”[/b] Vator sputtered in reply, his feet now adorn with flaming wheels. [b]“Thought I’d, y’know, defer to your wisdom first.”[/b] [b]“What’s done’s done,”[/b] Bortz laughed. [b]“And hey, any escort mission without a fight or three’s just a waste of time!”[/b] Man Joji sighed, settling into his seat as the rambunctious adventurers prepared to earn their keep. [b]“I’d like to believe that caution is the better virtue here, but as I’ve said before, I shall defer.”[/b] Bursting up into view, forms still smoking of the fog of that cursed grove, were two large gyukis, black bulls with oversized heads, six thundering limbs, and great twisted horns specked with gore. Not much had changed since Ari’s last true combat encounter. Perhaps she had even lacked more than what she had before. But each fight was a new one. And now, it was time to tango. [sub][@GreenGoat][/sub]