[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210127/8a668f6a709682facd3618982df88f4f.png[/img][/center] Howard listened intently. Sounded like some good places to find some inspiration from. It made him internally regret that he didn't think of bringing some paints and would have to settle with his tablet. As much as he enjoyed using it, it provided the extra problem of battery life and he doubted the cave would have outlets for them. He'd have to settle with taking pictures and just drawing them at the hotel. It didn't provide the same experience but he didn't want this whole trip to be a waste. Another man had approached, cigarette between his fingers. He moved away a bit, not preferring the smoke to stick to his clothing. A little ways away was another woman approaching, music bleeding through her headphones, and quite clearly listening in. Howard looked back to the island. Interesting group of people on the boat that was for sure. [color=silver]"Looks like there's at least something to keep everyone occupied."[/color] He mused. Plenty of places to go around, plenty of things to do. Maybe the vacation wouldn't be too bad. He mentally began to check out what he could do. He wasn't all that tired so maybe he could walk around town for a few hours before retiring at the hotel. If he was lucky, maybe he could find something interesting along the way. Jokingly, Howard added. [color=silver]"Hey, I hope the people in your town take kindly to strangers like us. Wouldn't want to offend someone and all."[/color] He doesn't travel much so he wasn't sure what the etiquette is when it comes to visiting small towns like this one. The old man seemed friendly enough but that didn't mean everyone else was.