[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/G4fWnoO.png[/img] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTgLyukTM68]💀[/url][/sub][/center] [b]"Hanh?"[/b] Oribara turned his head, one eye locked back onto tinman. [b]"That goes without saying."[/b] He turned to the distant glow, rolling his shoulders backwards and feeling his muscles warm up, limber up. His headlight scythed through the darkness of their surroundings, and even from a distance, Oribara could tell that there was something up with the rightside light. Good shit. Love to see it. Like deep sea fish, like moth-searing flames. The beastgirl offered up a less than fascinating answer to how she managed her own landing though, and just like that, he lost interest. Of course it was magic. Shouldn't have expected much from a skinny kiddo like that. Her companion looked more pissed than concerned though. Oribara glared back at her when her eyes swept over to where he was, but offered no comment. Giggolo-ass, self-proclaimed freelancer as he was, simply couldn't let a conversation die out though. The red-haired thug looked at the man's outstretched hand, then rolled his eyes and slapped the open palm. Was that supposed to be a hi-five? Or just a refusal of camaraderie? [b]"Oribara Senjoushi, from the motherfucking Gatecrashers of Hell. Don't give a fuck if you remember it or not, cause from here on out, y'all are only gonna see my back!"[/b] And with that, he kicked off the ground, flinging his skateboard in front of him before jumping on. With the screaming of grooved wheels tearing against stone, Oribara shot off for the rightside path, fully intent on making every one of these chummy cheesechurners eat his dust. Unless one of them ended up with a broken leg or something. Then he'd have to double back, if only on principle.