[quote]Both sheets are very, very good, but if you would like any help to decide between Xem and Memteus, us GMs find ourselves favouring Xem. His sheet is exemplary with a very good domain description and fascinating myth, and corruption is a much more flexible domain to play around than contracts, we feel. However, you stand free to choose. Memteus’ sheet is also accepted if you can fill out the myth a bit more.[/quote] Yeah, as I got further into making Xem, I decided to play him more and more. He is far easier to manage domain wise as you said, plus he'll always have something to do by virtue of being a naturally antagonistic, to most beings anyway, force. Unlike Memteus, who would have to find gods and mortals, offer them contracts, negotiate, etc. As far as saving the world goes, he'll actually help with that as it's kind of hard to corrupt things when they don't exist. His is a slow, bloated, death after all. Not a sudden plummet into the undefined void.