[quote=@rezay] [hider=Takhal names][img]https://i.imgur.com/p1MZ3Rx.png[/img][/hider] Alright, thought I might as well name all the major geographic features relevant to the takhal To get it over with— when they split up into several tribes, they will be different for many of them The features are Areas: The Yaagkhege (Steppe/grassland) The Nuugkhan (Desert) The Daanigkhal (Mountain range) Special features: The Ane (Mountain pass, the takhal go over it every annual migration) Daalag Jöm (Mythical place, the tallest mountain in the Daanigkhal, translates to "God's House") Rivers: Nëju Debaik Rheju Juug Daalji (Furthest extension of the migratory range eastward, has spiritual significance) *Should I make a pronunciation guide? Maybe [/quote] I don't think you would have that much explored jesus christ