[color=39b54a]Lucas[/color] Lucas gave Quiet-girl a cursory glance, feeling confident that she wouldn’t appreciate him grabbing her or something, so he resisted the urge to drag her toward the SUV. He wasn’t feeling exactly enthusiastic about seeing Marc Singer behind the wheel, but the guy was clearly made of tougher stuff if he escaped the mess he’d thrown himself into. He’d also come back for them, which was very cliche’d good guy activity. Final decision: Benefit of the doubt! He walked briskly over toward Osterberg Jr. Jr. and checked him over for outward injuries, “He’s friendly. Went berserk earlier to help us get out of a tough spot. Surprised he’s still alive, honestly.” He was being blunt, and he knew Amaretta would be disappointed in him, but he didn’t have time to think about tact and proper tone. Seeing nothing immediately concerning, besides the dilating pupils and obvious breathing irregularities that were only just settling in, he was satisfied that they could get a move on. He gave the older teen a sharp nod, “If he risked his butt coming back into this mess for us, we can trust him.” He paused and frowned, before turning toward the SUV and their shape shifting acquaintance, “We [i]can[/i] trust you, right?” He was already heading for one of the back doors, regardless of the response. Curiosity, what can ya do? [@Eviledd1984][@Kenshi][@pennyprincess44]