[quote=@Banana Senpai] MAGUS!! And fellows! I live!! You'll get three characters out of me. I think. We'll see! *Edit Is the GPA thing a US grading system? We don't have it in my country so I don't know how to calculate it, and afaik Japan doesn't use it. I found [url=https://www.scholaro.com/pro/Countries/Japan/Grading-System]this[/url] and [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academic_grading_in_Japan]this[/url] but nothing about GPA in Japan. Just wanna ask first before I make something up. Another thing: Where on the profile can I do this? History maybe? Also I know my image is HUGE rn, really sorry, I'll uh think of something. [/quote] yeah, GPA (Grade Point Average) is traditionally a US system I guess. I took inspiration for the character sheets from [url=https://i.redd.it/wixvmolghai31.jpg]the official Rosa-Vam teaser application[/url], and am mainly using it as setting fluff. The way the system works is basically each grade is given a certain amount of points: A (90%-100%) = 4.0 B (80%-89.9%) = 3.0 C (70%-79.9%) = 2.0 D (60%-69.9%) = 1.0 F (<60%) = 0.0 All the points from each grade you get is averaged together for your GPA, so a straight A student would have a 4.0, and a student that's had mostly a mixture of A's and B's would have anywhere between 3.1-3.9, and so on. I'm excited to see your characters! :3 Also, did any of the side characters up for grabs interest you at all? As for where to add alterations, you can do that either as a spot under the Monstricity using a list tag or under Notes [quote=@Saiten Algard] Is this still open? [/quote] Yes it is! Only reason I've been inactive was due to some work constraints combined with being busy outside work, but I should be a bit more free to work on characters after tonight.