Donny would carefully open the door, gun in hand, making sure Cat was actually Cat and not some mutant playing tricks on him. But once he verified it was her, he would let her in quickly before securing the door again. [color=firebrick]"That's good. Burying the dead is... It's something we still did. Back at the colony. Before stuff happened. Anyways go ahead and take a seat. Food's almost ready."[/color] By the time Cat settled in, Donny had a sizable little fire going. He had built it near a vent so the smoke wouldn't fill the room, and used some rubble to contain the wood. He basically broke up the table into firewood and used what remained of his torch to ignite the tinder. He made quick work of the table, piling what wood he didn't use nearby so it could be warmed up by the flames. As for food, he simply roasted the mutant crab meat in it's shell over a flame. Nothing too fancy about it. However it would provide some much needed substance to the nutrient bricks: Donny took his and smashed it inside of a bowl until it was grainy, and then mixed it with mosswine to turn it into a gruel. He made enough for himself and Cat, and to top it off, Donny took out something worth more than bullets: A spice pack. [color=firebrick]"Swiped one of these from a ration pack. Back at the old colony for a job well done some of the... Soldiers were given old world rations. Damned fools tossed out the accessory packets. Wasn't planning on teaching them a lesson though, so I pocketed them. Now we got salt and pepper."[/color] Donny chuckles as he liberally spices up his gruel with bits of crab meat. It was... Not terrible, certainly better than plain nutrient bricks. And for Donny that was good enough. He notably ate with his mask still on, only slightly adjusted to make an opening for his mouth. He ate the fool while it was still hot, almost ravenously so. He either really liked it or this was just a bad habit of his. [color=firebrick]"This is good stuff. Old world really knew how to make these things last. Salt and pepper's probably older than I am, but it still tastes the same."[/color]