[b]Yue![/b] One magic! Soft and crinkly paper, old enough that its sharp edges have faded away enough to make it fit into your hands comfortably. There are only eight images in the sequence but nearly forty pages of commentary. [i]When transitioning between stances #2 and #3 ensure to let your thumb brush each of your fingers. This discharges the accumulated energy and prevents mana burn.[/i] It's very daunting; there's a lot to remember! If you do it right then you should be able to complete the motion in exactly five seconds, but you've got to satisfy the conditions of each of those forty pages. It's a lot! It almost seems hopeless, doesn't it, learning to fly? Training at some arcane skill that may or may not ever resolve into a thing of beauty? Hyra watches on sympathetically, wishing she could help but unable to do anything other than provide a fluffy pillow for Cyanis who is taking casual selfies and then spending extremely non-casual sessions sorting through the dozens of pictures, applying filters and photoshop, endlessly working towards the perfect prison mugshot. You can't leave these things to the monks! You have a long autumn afternoon to practice before the ship will arrive to take you to visit the most powerful Princess in all the lands, with the triangle squad as your cheering section. Tell us about magic. Do you know any other spells, or is this your first? What is learning it like?