[h2][center]Gillian[/center][/h2] [i]Interacting with: [/i] [@PaulHaynek][@Raineh Daze][@Crimson Paladin][@VitaVitaAR] [color=00aeef]"Could be internal."[/color] Gill huffed at Tyaethe from atop his ass, the ignoble beast chewing a dirt clodded tuft of grass casually.[color=00aeef]"A coup isn't unreasonable, even if its a small one. Poorly thought out one to if it is, seizing a fort like this."[/color] Gillian casually cast his gaze over the fort, his mind picking out approaches for himself automatically as he took in the terrain. [color=00aeef]"Dealetine's not exactly critical...alteast right now."[/color] He said, somewhat louder than necessary for the benefit of the more green recruits (captain included). [color=00aeef]"It's more a staging ground for military actions coming from the capital than anything else. Hell, its practically fed by the capital. Worse comes to worse we can siege them out until they starve to death, though that's unlikely."[/color] He pauses as a few of the younger knights ask permission to scout ahead, stretching his arms out as they argued who might be best suited to the task. More power to them, he was better suited to skulking around during the chaos of a fight than anything else. [color=00aeef]"Bear in mind kids; if a force is good enough to take a fort undetected this close to the capital, then they're good enough to make sure there are no survivors. A shiny copper piece says that our messenger was allowed to live to lure us out here."[/color] He says, leaning forward and lounging on the donkey as if it were his primary method of relaxation. [color=00aeef]"Which means, we're walking dick first into a trap. Scoutings not a bad idea, but its somewhat predicated on the opposition not being aware of you. Personally I say we walk up and spring it, info be damned. Lot faster and they're less likely to expect it."[/color]