[center][hider=Armok] [color=fff79a][i]Name[/i][/color]: Armok [color=fff79a][i]Domain[/i][/color]: Slavery, or enslavement, is the power dynamic of master and slave. This is the natural order of things. There are those who serve and those who command. It matters not the ability of the master, but the authority and power that the master can command. What form of authority and power is different. The enlightened master will state that his, or her, ability to reason, think, and judge, is the basis of their authority. Other masters are less subtle. Some will use their pure strength and brutality to justify their authority over the slave, and then you have everything in-between the two. The type of slavery is also another factor of note. Chattel slavery is different from domestic slavery and that is different patriarchal slavery and that slavery is different household slavery. The dynamic might shift in favor of the slave, but those are merely falsehoods in the consciousness of the slave. In the end, it matters not, for the dynamic remains the same. [color=fff79a][i]Myth[/i][/color]: [b]Your production quotas are..unsatisfactory. Must I remind you of the fates of those who prove to be incapable of command? [/b] [i]I am fully aware of my duties. I understand my purpose and what is expected of me.[/i] [b]Your lists of infractions are growing. You have entered this office many times before. Yet...even with the infractions, you have proven yourself useful...I am a merciful god, but I have my limits to that mercy. Keep the slaves under control and keep them working. Don’t forget that failure will result in your corpsing.[/b] [i]I understand.[/i] [b]Good. Now go.[/b] [color=fff79a][i]Base Form[/i][/color]: [url=https://external-preview.redd.it/5KRJ3MhDzu06OOz6VIn_gymx4O20exJSTqGH-eBQ-nA.jpg?auto=webp&s=0fac9d582cbd23ed0f585b7b7bad80376a8363c0]Link to Base Form Image[/url] [color=fff79a][i]True Form[/i][/color]: [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/begotten-iii/images/e/eb/Undergod-corruption.jpg]Link to True Form[/url] [color=fff79a][i]Musical Theme[/i][/color]: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtL5oMyBHPs]Little Dark Age[/url] [/hider][/center]