Her back was exposed. One simple toss, and she could plant the blade square between her shoulders. But that would involve letting go of the knife. So she sat. She hissed. And she said nothing. Alone in the Praetor’s bedchamber, Vasilia took to the long task of freeing herself. It was bitter work. The knife did not want to fiddle with pins and tumblers. It hungered for her blood, and the slightest lapse in concentration was opportunity enough to feed. Soon her jacket bore dozens of tiny slashes, and her unprotected hands were sprinkled with cuts. She had to move slowly. Deliberately. Tell her racing heart to just, just calm itself, for a [i]moment[/i] while she worked, and maybe they’d both be out of this within the week- Screeching. Metal rending in two. And in the same moment, an angry bleeding slice across her hand. Vasilia growled, a rush of choice expletives all crushing together in a single, agonized cry. She sacrificed another length of sleeve to wrap around her hand in a loose bandage; a mercy she found a patch [i]not[/i] soiled by sap or wine. As she held the dressing tight against her wound, her eyes pierced through the walls, following the rabid monster outside, and words finally spilled out of her in a molten stream. “Shut up, you. Just...just shut. Up. As if you have anything to howl about! Spoiled, rotten, miserable little thing! They should have left you to starve in whatever dump they found you in! Gods know it’d have made the galaxy a better place.” Could Bella even hear her, over all the racket? The thought never once crossed her mind. “This is all you’re good at! It’s all you’ll ever be good at, and anyone would be a fool to believe otherwise! Pile on all the airs and fancy clothes you like; it’ll never change anything, you...[i]waste!”[/i] She squeezed her hand tight, tighter, until her eyes screwed shut with pain, and bitter tears flowed freely down her cheeks. ************************************************************************************ Oh dear. Whyever would someone be hunting him? Of all the people here? He’d thought he’d just been foolish in his attempts to follow Demeter, been in the wrong place at the wrong time, but this rang quite a bit more serious than that. This was personal. Which, again, made hardly any sense at all. He’d not been so crass as to give his name out, nor had he done much more than attend to his Captain. And speaking of, he didn’t have time for this! She was waiting for him! He musn’t delay! How he wished Artemis had developed a return service for this sort of thing; it would make clearing all this up so much easier. Still. Hunt or no hunt, mistake or deadly serious, he still had a job to do. And he would see it through. First thing’s first though; he jotted down a quick note to the pile of chefs recovering from their ordeal, apologizing for the trouble he’d put them through, and recommending they keep their heads down for the foreseeable future. With that taken care of, he carefully wrote out a detailed letter stating his name, station, location, date of birth, age, marital status, generational number in lieu of nearest relative, and a polite inquiry for any public records on active hunts related to his person. This he left by a single, burning candle, along with a little bit of trail rations he saved for just such an emergency. Artemis did enjoy her practical snacks, the kind you could eat on the go. Or during your requisite five-minute breaks. [Rolling to Speak Softly with Artemis: 4 + 5 + 1 = [b]10.[/b] What can she tell me about this hunt?]