[hider=Xem, The Pestilent King] [quote] [center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/mcf-alien-delon-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210403/bcef6ccc86e92631ecf1c048e89d9f55.png[/img][/url] [color=#988600][b]The Pestilent King || Lord of Rot || Exarch of Decay[/b][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtnpAkuYO2A&list=RDMM&index=4][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7f/22/0a/7f220a5f81d45e3d69d72cda40d3ed5f.jpg[/img][/url] [/center] [hr][center][color=#988600][i]"Fear not child, for the rot shall make us one and the same."[/i][/color][/center][hr] [color=#988600] [b]Domain:[/b] Corruption. The slow rot and decay of living things into their primordial bases, the spreading of virulent pestilence and withering disease, and the slow destruction of physical reality. All of these fall within Xem's domain. Souls however, or other immaterial concepts such as morality and ethics, do not. Because of this Xem is unable to affect them. Xem is able to affect inorganic objects and materials with his decay however, albeit at a much slower rate in comparison to organic matter. Finally, regardless of form, Xem can induce corruption and decay in the environment around him. While his true form does this near-instantaneously, his base form must remain in an area for several hours if the rot is to truly take hold. [b]Myth[/b] [center][i]Pits bubble and hiss! Pots boil and churn! Flesh turns to a sickly crimson mist! For the King watches man as he is quartered and burned![/i][/center] It was said that Xem came into being as a consequence of the Apocalypse, but the truth is that he just seemed to appear out of thin air one day, hungry to unleash a never-ending tempest of decay and rot upon the broken world. As such any other goals the Pestilent King might have, if he truly possesses any, remain a complete and utter mystery to mortals and gods alike. This has put him at odds with practically every other member of the pantheon, as you might expect. Although he does maintain a somewhat amicable relationship with the goddess of death as well as the deities of war, due in no small part to the overlaps between their domains. For just as war gives way to rot, so too does rot give way to death. [b]Base Form:[/b] Xem appears as a towering humanoid figure with a jackal's skull for a face and tattered yellow rags for clothes. His fingers are claws and his feet worm-riddled hooves, while tentacles burst forth from his chest to poke and prod at the air around him, hungry for prey they may drag into the god's gaping chest based maw. Xem's skin too is as sickly as his robes, being rendered yellow from jaundice; foul-smelling, and sickeningly pliable from rot. Lastly, the series of spikes jutting forth from his skull are his crown, verily the mark of his abhorrent royalty. [b]True Form:[/b] In his true form Xem is [url=https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/014/181/493/small/mike-franchina-juvenile-beast-lord-6.jpg?1542832795]a massive beast dripping with rotten flesh, corpses, bile, and puss.[/url] He is flanked at all times by endless swarms of flies who infect those that draw too close with maggots and worms. Eyes line this form from head-to-toe also, with each looking progressively more jaundiced and infested than the last, while sacs filled with the organs of many sway to and fro as he walks. Finally, a sickly yellow smog billows forth from his many mouths, and it is rumored that mortals who breathe in these fumes will be liquified from the inside out. [/color] [/quote] [/hider]