[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tSXlUpY.png[/img][/center] [hr] Disker's inquiry was met with the standard fare he had become accustomed to from the Cathartes' pilots: Scaling from solo sincerity to ludicrous dismissal, with confident caution in between. At the extreme latter end of the scale was, of course, Ezmy but Disker already knew to expect that from her. He played along with her quip, smiling and nodding at her before breaking into a scowl. [color=FFE6CE]"Not illegal weapons, you muppet. I meant they're using [i]old[/i] weapons. Think post-30 Bu- Mid 80s."[/color] A slip of the tongue, Disker had to bite his lip. The incident he was about to refer to was never made public knowledge but would definitely incense any Spacenoid that knew of that massacre. A legacy treasured only by the Titans in their suppression of dissidents. As Disker suspected, their Federation guest confirmed that it was indeed an early Titan mobile suit that committed the assault. [color=FFE6CE]"Titan Marasai, huh?.."[/color] While this piece of information did answer his early question, a dozen more took its place. [color=FFE6CE]"I mean, I guess that shouldn't be a problem for our MS team if we went but we'd need the old man to sign off on it."[/color] Disker would state, acknowledging the pilots' proposal to sortie out for a hunt. He was confident their combined experience would make short work of any jag piloting a discontinued mass production unit. However, wherever there's cannon fodder, there's bound to be an opposing cannon aimed directly at you. [color=FFE6CE]"My only concern is the fact that our future playdate might be packing more Titan relics, some of which we are not able to deal with. Not with our current firepower."[/color] The exotic arsenal designed by the mad geniuses of the purged Federation elite was deadly. Some were able to blast targets with beams beyond the horizon, some able to precisely dissect targets with wire-guided beams up close, and even some more nullified beam attacks altogether. Who knows what they were gonna encounter but Disker suspected it was coming for them soon.