By the time Elizabeth and her partner arrived at the scene a small crowd had gathered around the man with one attempting first aid whilst they waited for the ambulance. Taking over, she covered the wound with dressing, taping it down on 3 sides whilst keeping pressure on the 4th. The pair gently rolled the victim onto a board which allowed them to elevate him onto a bed then into the ambulance. As she was closing the doors Elizabeth caught the name of the location illuminated in bright light. Coffin golf course. That's not at all morbid she thought as the heavy doors slammed shut. On the way to the hospital Elizabeth stayed in the back with the man. The sound of his heartbeat rung in her ears, a rhythmic thud thud in the background as an eager Beast took the time to remind her just how hungry she was, just how much she was dying for one more mouthful of blood. Elizabeth could feel the pressure building beneath her hands as air trapped in the chest cavity tried to escape. Carefully she released some of the pressure off of the untaped side to allow it to leave, before going back to fighting with her inner demons. Elizabeth found herself in a daze as they handed over the man to the hospital's A&E department, rattling off everything the doctors needed to know to continue the treatment before finding a place to perch, breathe and bring herself back to reality. A small wave of relief washed over her, she'd pushed through once more without giving in. With a deep breath and a content sigh she returned to the depot with her partner, waiting for the rest of that night's shift to pass. Exhausted, as she was after every shift, Elizabeth rocked up to her apartment to discover her door slightly ajar; a light unease spread through her as she pushed the door open silently and tread over the threshold. Very little had changed since earlier that night, all the valuables and expensive items seemed to still be in place, however Lizzie could smell the drops of blood scattered periodically across the floor. The animal within her stirred from its slumber, parching her throat as she stalked the trail, swinging open another door to find a kindred sat at the foot of her bed. "Edwin?!" Elizabeth exclaimed, surprised to see the elder vampire there. It'd been a while since her Sire had dropped by to see how she was doing. "I was beginning to wonder if you'd grown tired of me" she added sarcastically with an exaggerated pout. As she finisher speaking Elizabeth realised where the blood scent was coming from. There was an oozing blood bag in his hands, with at least two of the corners torn up by teeth, and yet most of the blood remained in the bag. She made a mental note to steal an additional bag this week to replace the waste. A gentle chuckle escaped the kindred's mouth, followed by a smirk. "I don't think I could ever grow tired of you my dear". Edwin drew the bag close to his mouth again, recoiling away the moment his teeth dug through the plastic skin. "I just don't understand how you manage this, actual feeding is so much more convenient and,  dare I say, fun". With a scowl he placed the bag down on the bed, beads of blood oozing from the bite marks in the corners escaped down onto the linens. "I assume that you're still..." "Yes, I'm still drinking from them" Elizabeth interrupted, "but some days are getting too close for my liking, I may have to think about finding somewhere else to acquire them from in addition to work". Edwin's face appeared to drop for a moment,  seeming almost disappointed at the restraint she had been showing, but as fast as it has fallen the cheerful expression was restored, making Elizabeth ponder if she'd seen it at all. "What brings you hear today then? Have you forgotten that a certain technology called the 'telephone' exists?" She teased. "Its not a social call I'm afraid, this is mostly 'business'" he replied, his voice dropping most of the warmth she was used to hearing. A couple frantic pats of his coat later Edwin drew out an envelope, embellished heavily on one side with beautiful calligraphy that spelled out her name. "I was told to ensure that you recieved and read this" he said, passing the delicate item from his own pale hands into Elizabeth's. Seeming to read the expression on her face he continued with "I don't know what's in there either. It's probably nothing to worry too much about" he added, attempting a reassuring smile. Receiving the envelope, Elizabeth saw that there was nothing else to do. With tentative fingers she slid a nail beneath the seal.