Chas smiled at her thanks, "its okay. We swore to help you and that's what we're gonna do. You did really well, not many people could have held him off for as long as you did" he told her truthfully. He didn't mind the shadows swirling around her in his arms to be protective and keep them from being jumped out of nowhere again. Kay held onto John as he insisted on picking her up and carrying her back to the house, nodding at his words and doing as he suggested by taking deep breaths. Normally she hated being carried but right now she wasn't going to complain as she was actually thankful for it, and even more tha kful when they got back to the house and getting inside. She gladly sat down on the couch, propping her head up with her hand and elbow on the armrest as she too was curious about how Serena was. Chas looked down at Serena, "Serena? We're back" he said, hoping she hadn't fallen asleep but the moment she didn't answer he looked at John worried. "I'm not sure she was looking in a bad way on the way back. Shaking, barely able to stay awake and now she won't wake up" he answered, putting her down on the other chair, knowing he'd have to tend to that shoulder as well as trying to wake her up again.