[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210312/86cb744921567a309a43af3c9062b5aa.png[/img][/CENTER] [indent][indent][indent][hr] Ezmy’s fists balled up on reflex the moment Gaida touched her, shuddering like the temperature had suddenly dipped into the negatives. She shot the woman a hard look, eyes flicking from her to her hand, as if, surely, it was just some tragic mistake that it had landed on her shoulder. But no, it wasn’t, and Gaida went on to [i]agree[/i] with her, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Ezmy might not have been a very socially-conscious person, but she knew when she was being patronized. [color=D42E2E][i]“…little Ezmy’s plan.”[/i][/color] Oh, she’d be paying for that one. [color=ec008c][i]“Gee Gaida, thanks.”[/i][/color] She said through teeth grated in the closest approximation to a smile that Ezmy could muster. When the woman took her hand away, Ezmy brushed imaginary grime off of her shoulder. She wasn’t done with her, but Disker’s sharp interjection reminded her that there was, in fact, an actual conversation of import going on. Fine. There’d be plenty of time for getting even later. [color=ec008c]“Okay, [i]and?[/i]”[/color] she snipped back at Disker. [color=ec008c]“If the pirates come back, the options are run, or fight, and you’re out of your mind if you think this hunk of junk is outrunning [i]anything[/i]. Fuck’s sake, you don't have to stall like this, you can just [i]say[/i] you’re scared. Not like anyone’d be surprised.”[/color] That was a bit of a low-blow. Ezmy didn’t have much respect for Disker’s…“cautious” piloting style, but that didn’t mean he was useless; he was a coward, she thought, but even cowards could be good shots. Still, with how quiet the man usually was, it was worth snatching at the opportunity to get a rise out of him. [color=ec008c]“The real question is whether or not we’re gonna sit around [i]scrapbooking[/i] until they get the jump on us.”[/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent]