[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/mcf-alien-delon-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210403/bcef6ccc86e92631ecf1c048e89d9f55.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr][hr] As what was left of Galbar burned and the sky was seared with the white hot flames of magic from layers afar, the few remaining pools of pestilence from the Forgotten World continued to bubble and hiss as they always had. Only this time things were different, perhaps because of the charged energies streaking through the air, or the fact that a new age had dawned. This time the disturbance within the pestilence only continued to grow, the bubbling morphing into a all out tumult while the hissing of gas grew to an utterly unnatural whine, one that would have been heard for miles upon miles were it not for the fact that the world was currently plunging head-on into its fiery end. From this chaos rose a horrid being, one whose flesh was as yellowed and ragged as the tattered garments it called clothes, whose fingers were naught more than spindly claws, chest a gaping maw from which a host of rotten tendrils spilled forth, and face a jackal's grinning skull. Rising to his full height, Xem surveyed the broken and dying land from behind hollow sockets, his moth-eaten robes splaying outward in the searing wind even as a maggot calmly made its way across his cheek and into his jawless mouth. Already he could feel his displeasure at the current situation beginning to grow almost as strong as his hunger, before swiftly eclipsing it, becoming the only thought to occupy his fetid husk of a mind. This apocalypse simply would not do, for he could not be expected to satiate his hunger if there was no world left for him to corrupt. Thus it was that Xem conferred with himself and, after a moment of deliberation, moved to provide what aid he could. Striding forward, a movement that spilled bile from his stomach and maggots from his skull, Xem began to make the long journey north as there were other beings there. Whether they were like him or not he could not say, though they radiated a trail as he did, that much he could see. As such, it was not a wholly unsound assumption to make that their natures were similar even if their personalities and moods differed greatly. As he went however, soaring over hill and dale on the back of a thick miasma, Xem gradually found his attention shifting to the torn sky above and the chaos that raged within its magic laden confines. And the longer he stared at it, the more he felt his rage begin to grow. He could not explain why as of yet, but there was something deep within that pushed him towards fixing that before anything else. Perhaps it was a holdover from the source of his birth [i]- as it had been a glorious cauldron not only of rot, but a breeding ground of disease as well -[/i] and thus some retained viral instinct that emphasized the sheer importance of the surrounding atmosphere. Whatever the reason, this feeling had been strong enough to completely stop Xem in his tracks, the Exarch of Decay's attention turned towards heavens fully at long last. Still rather uncertain of what he should do, he simply followed the twists and turns of his own will as he exploited the malleable nature of reality to exert his influence over the sky. The ensuing battle would not be easy, however, much to Xem's chagrin, as the magical energies coursing through the air either reverted any changes he made, or took them to an unviable extreme. Thus it came to pass that storms were made, forks of lightning arcing to strike at the barren lands below, while blizzards raged in places they should not have. All the while Xem continued to fight, slowly yet surely forcing the heavens to bend to his will... [hider=Summary] Xem is born from one of the last pockets of pestilence and disease left over from the Forgotten World, the magical energies arcing through the atmosphere facilitating his existence. Awakening with a strong hunger to induce decay, the lord of rot elects to survey the surrounding land instead. Finding it not to his liking, for one cannot decay a world that does not exist, Xem sets out to help the other gods appearing in the northern lands, riding to aid them on the back of a thick miasma. Although along the way he finds himself unable to ignore the churning sky above and pauses, directing all of his energy towards shaping it to a more stable state. Thus is a battle between god and nature begun, though it is only a matter of time until god's will is done. [/hider]