[hider=Algrim the Underking] [color=brown][b]Name:[/b][/color] Algrim. [color=brown][b]Domain:[/b][/color] Earth. Algrim holds power over the very ground itself, and the minerals it is composed of. With this power Algrim may create or reshape entire landscapes - moving summoning mountains, digging valleys, closing ravines, solidifying mud, or reversing the damage done by earthquakes and sinkholes. Perhaps even causing such devastating disasters, if sufficiently provoked. [color=brown][b]Myth:[/b][/color] The storm came in the morning. Acid rained down upon the city, melting the flesh of all it touched. Many screamed as they were struck. Others seized the initiative, rushing into their homes and throwing off their cloaks and coats before the rain could burn through. But such salvation was only temporary, for the roofs began to leak, as the acid burned through thatch and wood. Thousands of people prayed to the heavens for deliverance from this torturous downpour. "There's only doom up here," a deep authoritative voice warned. "You'll find no safety in the sky. Only in stone." Then, the earth began to shake. Those who had windows would see walls of stone rise up on either side of the city, rising higher and higher. At the same time, it felt as if the very ground beneath them was beginning to lower. With all the stone that was moving, the shaking should have been far more violent, but it was as if something was restraining it. Then, the light outside began to dim. None could see it, for to poke their head outside would mean death or disfigurement, but the walls were now expanding inward; forming a ceiling which cast a mighty shadow. Once the ceiling was complete, the entire city was cast in complete and total darkness, as if they had been entombed. But they were safe. Minutes passed. Then, tentatively, a brave few stepped outside wielding lanterns. The city as intact. The cobbled streets were undamaged, despite the vigorous shaking, while the foundations of the buildings still held, and the only damage was that which was done by the rain. The only thing that had changed was that they were now underground. They did not know it, but an entire mountain had been built above them, shielding them forever from any skyward threats. The people of the city wondered which god had saved them. Soon, they had their answer. "I am Algrim, and this is my Kingdom." [color=brown][b]Base Form:[/b][/color] Algrim's base form is that of a five foot tall humanoid that appears to be made almost entirely out of stone, and yet is somehow just as flexible and mobile as a being made out of flesh. A pair of bright blue emerald serve as his eyes. His hair is bald, save for a green mohawk that is made out of a dark green moss, and a long beard which flows down to his navel. For attire, he prefers to go bare-chested, but usually wears an assortment of gold and gems. [img]https://i.imgur.com/BUj8tsD.png[/img] If he needs to blend in, he will sometimes turn stone to flesh, and moss to hair, and adopt a more humble garb. Although the God of Stone rarely sees need to conceal his true appearance, it is sometimes necessary. [color=brown][b]True Form:[/b][/color] When Algrim's true form is unleashed, the mere act of transforming brings forth immense destruction. Chunks of earth are ripped from the ground, drawn toward his body where they engulf him, expanding his size and fusing together until he rivals that of a mountain. The very ground beneath his feet becomes an extension of his body. [/hider]