[hider=Sam, the wandering motherfucker with the sexy tunes] [center] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.7NfVAFo-PwmjQYreTzrktwHaIw%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img] [h2][color=ff9666][ BASICS ][/color][/h2][hr] [color=ff9666][b][ NAME ][/B][/color] Sam Jester [color=ff9666][B][ AGE ][/B][/color] 25 [color=ff9666][B][ GENDER ][/B][/color] Male [color=ff9666][B][ COMMUNICATOR OF ][/B][/color] Bragi [color=ff9666][B][ MYTHOLOGY OF BRAGI ][/B][/color] The first poet in human history, the Aesir god of poetry and music rumored by some to have been born mortal and granted godhood and welcomed into Asgard by Odin himself. Bragi is the only member of the Aesir tribe permitted to wander among the nine worlds, and always has a song or a tale ready to share. Bragi was born as the child of Odin, leader of the Aesir, and a Jötun named Gunnlod. [hr][h2][color=ff9666][ APPEARANCE ][/color][/h2][hr] [color=ff9666][B][ PHYSIQUE ][/B][/color] Eye candy and pretty eyes. That's what people usually see when they look at Sam. His body has a lot of toned muscles from his travels around the country. He typically wears a lot of baggy clothes, sweatpants, vans shoes, hoodies, denim coats. That kind of thing. He’s got a decent amount of muscle on him, enough to take a few rounds of a fist fight. [color=ff9666][B][ HEIGHT / WEIGHT ][/B][/color] 5' 10" | 197lb [hr][h2][color=ff9666][ PERSONALITY ][/color][/h2][hr] [color=ff9666][B][ PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION ][/B][/color] Sometimes peaceful, sometimes downright insane, occasionally aloof, and maybe just a bit of a hedonist. Sam is a drifter who goes where life takes him. He’s not one to start fights, but prefers to end them either in the building of a bridge or the breaking of someone’s nose, if it comes to that. Sam’s largely a pacifist, go with the flow type of guy. In his own words, “Life’s too short to bitch, let’s enjoy ourselves.” Where there’s a pretty face, or a nice bottle of something alcoholic, you’ll fine him right there living life how he knows it best: Like every day is the end of the road. It is rare to see Sam with a sullen look on his face, like nothing ever gets to him. You can’t really tell if that’s true or not, but he’s always the type you want to be around when there are spirits to be lifted, laughs to he had, and glorious, wicked, stupid fun to be had. Sam comes off as brash, and having little more than surface level emotional understanding, but he is one of the most loyal friends you’ll ever meet. He will take a bullet - literally - for someone he feels good about, which isn’t many people. More often than not, he finds himself flirting death, so to speak: having an unsolicited laugh with the angry looking guy in a bar, figuring out which concoctions of alcohol will hammer you fastest, the usual loose cannon energy. As much of a chaotic goofball he may seem like, Sam has a serious side to him. You just don't see it often. He knows when to chill out and keep quiet. In some respects, Sam fits the archetype of the “Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass” the most. He's more socially intelligent than in any other way, and typically comes off as this disastrous fool who only cares about music and getting hammered, but when you really get to know him, you see that there is in fact a very understanding and wise mind behind that face of is. Sam has an understanding of tough subjects that most people prefer to ignore, but ironically that is the thing that drives him to live life the way he does. When the party stops and the sun goes down, Sam is that friend people can depend on until the end as long as you need him to be there. Live free, die together. That’s Sam’s perfect life. For all his wild ways, there is a piece of him that sometimes feels like he's too loose. You're only truly free when you have nothing left to lose. Sometimes he thinks about how his life could’ve been if it weren’t how it actually was, but what can you do if you don’t run with it? [color=ff9666][B][ LIKES / DISLIKES ][/B][/color] Alcohol (Mead mostly) | Music (duh) | Travelling | Freedom [hr][h2][color=ff9666][ BIOGRAPHY ][/color][/h2][hr] [color=ff9666][B][ Place of Origin ][/B][/color] North Carolina [color=ff9666][B][ BIO ][/B][/color] [color=ff9666] “Well. I was born in an okay-ish town down in North Carolina. It was alright living there, enough to do to keep ya sane and not too lonely. It was just me and mom, we weren’t lonely though, we had it pretty alright. Lots of family friends came over a lot, lots of mine did too. I started playing a guitar when I was a little kid, never met my dad, but apparently he was pretty good, so I kinda took after him that way. I think. Anyway, I never wanted to do anything much with that, didn’t wanna take the heart outta the sound, everything was normal more or less. Dated a few guys, a few girls too, had the occasional fist fight with some ass who played football- not my type. That was fine and all, but towards the end of high school? That’s when stuff got funny for me. Me and some of my closest friends had been saving cash up for a while, we wanted to go travel a little together and see the world for what it was before we had to go to college and let it make us what it wanted us to be. One of them took us up towards Tennessee, and then we went to Ohio and came back. A bit later we went to Florida to see the ocean. We got drunk. I don’t think I’ve ever had that kinda fun with anybody. A few months after I graduated, when I was 19, it came time where everyone was going off for school. I still had some money saved. I thought to myself, “Y’know, I don’t really know if I’m ready for that.” I wasn’t. Who the hell is? So...I took the car I had since I was sixteen and left. I went all up and down the country, New York, Oregon, Nevada, hell, I went to Alaska once too. Since then I’ve been to just about everywhere in America, except Hawaii ‘cuz I don’t speak Hawaiian, and Arkansas. Let’s be honest, no one actually likes Arkansas. I got into a bit of a rut later down the line, started running on fumes. No cash. That’s when I started playing for money and winning with cards. I didn’t just get good for sport, I played to win. Haha. It’s been fun so far. It’s been [i]real.[/i] I’ve seen just about everything out here, met more people than I can even remember, saw so much. I dunno how I can leave all that behind. These days it’s all I know. I’ve got nothing left to lose but money and sleep. Not even my guitar, since, well, there’s a god of music in my head. A few months ago, Bragi popped into my life, thought I was on some bad drink or something, but nope. God. Kept telling me about how I was meant for more, how my songs would live on forever, the usual god talk. He’s alright, been there and seen me through some real shit so far. He told me how to make mead and everything but told me only to drink it when I was in danger. I figured that out the hard way when some guy shot me over a game of poker. Three aces. One five. One seven. Woke up in my jeep with a hangover and a bullet scar and an empty magic booze flask. And that’s how I got here. Pretty wild, huh? Yeah, that’s how I like it.” [/color] [color=ff9666][B][ REASON FOR CHOICE ][/B][/color] Sam is a free spirit whose life is comprised of revelry and song. They say this is the thing that made Bragi become a god at the will of Odin himself. It only seemed fitting for someone such as him. [hr][h2][color=ff9666][ POWERS ][/color][/h2][hr] [color=ff9666][B][ RELICS / FAMILIARS ][/B][/color] [b][u]The Mead of Poetry:[/u][/b] Sam is the only mortal in all the world who knows how to recreate this stuff. The way to make it is memorized in his head. The Mead of Poetry is a magical drink that grants a higher state of being to people who consume it. This higher state of being includes incredible mental focus and clarity as well as healing properties to the body. Wounds that would otherwise kill you without proper medical attention heal in an hour once you’re on the mead. The trick to this is that it isn’t easy to make, in fact it takes months for the mead to become effective before the bottle is even opened. Also, since it’s something that gods are known for drinking, it’s the strongest drink on earth. Discretion is advised. Sam describes it as “1000 Proof.” [color=ff9666][B][ POWERS ][/B][/color] [b][u]Magic Guitar:[/u][/b] All of Yggdrasil could crash down on it, all of the sickening Hvergilmer river could drip across it, and not a scratch would be made. Nothing can break Sammy's magic guitar. The strings will never snap, the body will never crack or bend. Sam can also somehow pull out of thin air. It looks like a magic trick where you pull a rabbit out of your hat. On top of that, Sam can magically alter the way the notes sound when plucked from the strings. One moment they sound acoustic, the next they sound electric. Sure, that's not the most practical thing to have, but can you really call yourself the communicator of Bragi without a godlike instrument? [u][b]Empathetic Song:[/b][/u] A magical string of notes that instill a specific emotion in a desired creature as long as they are capable of feeling such an emotion. Fear. Rage. Peace. It takes a bit out of Sammy to do this, and it takes even more depending on who hears it, and all it can do is implant intense feelings in the mind. It's not actual mind control, more like suggestions. This can take the form of a song of serenity, where calming energy comes through, or a song of terror to make people suddenly very motivated to turn and run. This works easier on people will less willpower, or animals. Another god-chosen? Not easy. It would take a lot more effort. [u][b]Rune Weaving:[/b][/u] A 24 letter alphabet of magical symbols dating back before the time of Christianity can be called upon through the use of Sam's musical magic. Each note he can play is representative of a certain rune. A certain high for Algiz, a certain low for Uruz, and so on. This means that stringing together certain notes creates a magic spell depending on the composition. Combining Uruz with Thuriaz would create a very destructive blast in a certain direction. The only problem with this is that some combinations don't work together. You can't combine Raidho and Isa. The more runes added to the spell, the messier the meaning becomes. If Sam were to just spit out a bunch of runes, either something unpredictable could happen, or nothing at all. This is more or less the same thing as actual Vitki magic, except more awkward since it's preformed through an instrument. [color=ff9666][B][ INVOCATION ][/B][/color] [hider=Bragi] [img] https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.iZRYQJ0qUbvYrq9P56sjBQHaKD%26pid%3DApi&f=1[/img] [/hider] Bragi is called upon through a certain set of notes, a simple and melodic one that causes him to appear. While Sam’s more than capable of playing just about anything that involves strings, this takes a lot out of him. Arguably, he could just crack open some of the mead of poetry and shred all day, but that wouldn’t be the best idea when you want to [i]not[/i] have a record-holding hangover the next morning, or drunk like a sick dog in an hour. Bragi is an Aesir god, therefore he appears human, looking to be in his late 40s. [color=ff9666][B][ OTHER INTERESTS/SKILLS ][/B][/color] [u][b]Incredible Musician:[/b][/u] This goes without saying, really. [u][b]Blunt Weapons:[/b][/u] Specifically, his guitar. Since it's unable to break and can always appear out of seemingly nowhere whenever he wants it to, it's a good weapon. [u][b]Frithmaker:[/b][/u] Sure, winning fights against godly monsters is cool, but why not drink together and laugh for once with the bad guy? Sam isn't a stranger to sitting down with people he isn't exactly on speaking terms. Once they do, he works it out pretty easily. One way or another. Either that, or someone's brains are getting smashed. [u][b]Self-Reliant:[/b][/u] Sam knows how to live alone. It’s not much of a skill, but it is when you’re independent. [u][b]Poker Jesus:[/b][/u] Reading the table, calling the best bets, winning the most cash. Your chances at beating Sam in a poker match are embarrassingly low. He's damn good at it. Not that being very skilled at poker helps win mythological fights, but it means Sam has plenty of cash on him. [hr][h2][color=ff9666][ MISC ][/color][/h2][hr] [color=ff9666][B][ BIRTHDAY / SIGN ][/B][/color] November 31st | Sagittarius [color=ff9666][B][ FAVORITES / LEAST FAVORITES ][/B][/color] Strong mead | A good party no matter how big or small | Seeing new things and new people [color=ff9666][B][ SEXUAL PREFERENCE ][/B][/color] Pansexual [color=ff9666][B][ MUSIC/MOVIE/BOOK/GAME TYPE ][/B][/color] Favorite bands include My Sleeping Karma, Mors Principium Est, Draconian, Mogwai, and The Kings of Frog Island. [/center] [/hider]