[center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210104/dc5b2038e85ff762369ae2204cad7957.png [/img] [sub][color=FFB6C1]Location:[/color] Xuanxang, Her Room → The Kitchen/Mess Hall [color=FFB6C1]Interaction:[/color] Finbarr [@The Man Emperor] [color=FFB6C1]Mention:[/color] Laurey [@jdh97][/sub] [hr][/center] Narvia tried to sleep peacefully after Laurey's conversation with her seal plushie in her arms. It was a bit odd, but this is the first time she didn't cry herself to sleep, and it does make some sense. The Crew of the Xuanxang completed the first mission as successfully as the Xuanxang's crew can deal with, even though there were some snags along the way. Narvia's emotions were in the state of being in a deep sleep, but it hasn't been this way for a long time. She had trouble getting to sleep without tossing, turning, and other types of methods of sleeping. It felt amazing for the first time in a long time to get asleep and was peaceful. Especially, Narvia was dreaming a dream to reach one of her goals of reuniting with her family. It had always been her goal to reunite with her biological mother, Lana, and her two older siblings. There was an oddity in the dream that made her slightly scared because she repressed it for so long. It was a bit nonsensical and had something to do with the problems her emotions are so out of control for all this time. She feels like whatever this is, she'll need someone to help her after the dream is done. [hr] [hider=The Dream Sequence]Narvia was in a deep trance staring at a mysterious male figure covered in darkness. She could only see Man's orange-colored glowing eyes from the dark and see shiny, sparkling tears going down his face. He was saddened by the circumstances or the reasons for what would happen to Narvia in the future. When the mysterious male figure's arm came from the shadows, he had a tattoo. The Tattoo was of a Silverlight spear with its name underneath it, the Folspear. He starts to speak to Narvia with a cold yet genuine feeling of sadness in his voice. [color=CD853F]" Ah, I have been expecting your arrival in our family, Narvia. All because of what you hold in your heart and what you are left with a choice."[/color] He said. [color=FFB6C1]" W-What do you mean you've been expecting me, and how do you know my name?"[/color] Narvia asked with a lack of understanding of what is going on. She entered her father's study as if she was drawn to it specifically to the book that sits in it. It took her a long time to think of what this man means, but he seems pretty nice compared to what's happening at her home. All of the problems in her family must deal with a set thing or whatnot. [color=FFB6C1]" A-Also, what do you mean by that precisely by choice? I don't understand."[/color] Narvia said with not understanding the situation. The man laughs slightly at Narvia's young mind of not understanding and asking many questions like what she is. [color=CD853F]" I created this holographic imagining software to respond only to you, Narvia. It's because of the birthmark on your left arm."[/color] He said. The man moves his left arm that he moved out of the darkness to ruffle Narvia's hair a bit. He releases his hand from her head and will respond to her other question and lack of understanding. [color=CD853F]" It is easy to understand, Narvia. Who do you love, and who do you hate? And there's a choice to figure out what you need to do after you figure that out."[/color] He said with despair in his heart. Narvia had little to no understanding of what Holographic Imagining Software means. It is not like she would understand that, but he mentioned her birthmark and gasps somewhat. She has been noticing the staff that works at the Estate tries to stay away from her. It didn't help that her favorite maid, Jennifer disappeared without a trace. [color=FFB6C1]" I love my mother Lana and my two older siblings, Freya and Ashley. I don't hate anyone, mister."[/color] Narvia said with the truth about the latter part. The man sees her reaction to the birthmark and hears her honest response. It was sweet to hear that only if he hadn't made that birthmark in his family, a terrible omen, then none of this would have happened. However, his fault for Narvia's existence is part of the Hadley Family for being in the sense of the most challenging part of her history. [color=CD853F]" It is sweet how you answered that question so innocently and cutely. I do have someone you can hate with all your passion, and that's me. I've made the worst mistake during the making of my prophecies by causing you to be harmed. Innocence like yours should be protected, grown, and not thrown to the curb."[/color] He said, sincerely regretful in his decision. And wonders how Narvia will react to his words. Narvia has no idea what this guy is talking about as she listens and blinks in ignorance. She wouldn't want to hate anyone, not even someone who made a mistake. There were words that he had spoke that causes her to push them deep into her subconscious. It specifically was what he said about thrown to the curb. All because she's too innocent and naive to believe what this man was saying. [color=FFB6C1]" W-What do you mean thrown to the curb? I don't like what you are saying, mister. What is your name, sir?"[/color] Narvia asked sincerely cutely and trying to stop herself from crying. The man works out how he's going to answer her questions without causing her fear. He noticed that she was trying to stop herself from crying uncontrollably by what he had said to her. His family had their hearts closed by his rampant prophecies and how he conducted business all those years ago. Narvia might be the only one that would never realize the whole thing about what has been said here. [color=CD853F]" Scott Noreen Hadley, I am the founder of the Golden Age of our family. Promise me that you won't tell anyone of this conversation, Narvia. No matter how much it hurts or makes you toss and turn in your sleep or cry, keeping it a secret will save you much trouble in the long run. It is to protect you and who you love the most. In terms, I am the long-dead founder of the Hadley Family. Also, I am sorry for what is going to happen to you and your family."[/color] Scott said. He had a charisma about him with how he spoke and always kept many secrets from people he cared about or kept secrets. Narvia listened to what Scott had to say, and it scares her much more than expected. Weird vibes were coming from Scott, how he was able to reply with such a perfect response to what questions she would ask. The moment causes her to cry, but she decides to run out of her father's study. Lana notices her daughter running out of her husband's study room and stops her from wondering why she looked like she saw a ghost and stops her. [color=FFB6C1]" M-Mommy, I saw the ghost of Scott Noreen Hadley in Daddy's study. H-He scared me."[/color] Narvia said. Lana was deep in shock and not understanding what her daughter was speaking about and told her she probably heard things or saw them. Lana told her daughter to go to bed and never talk about a word of it to Conner. Conner saw his daughter about to enter her room and decides to stop her right there. [color=B0C4DE][b]" DAUGHTER, STOP RIGHT THERE! THIS INSTANT."[/b][/color] Conner yelled at Narvia right before she enters her bedroom. He was utterly furious seeing another one of his children breaking the rules in his home. It caused him to shake his hands badly, and he was about to punch his daughter but calms down. Narvia stops directly in front of her room and is terrified to the deep of her core. Her father has never shown his anger to her before now. [color=FFB6C1]" F-Father, you are scaring me a lot."[/color] Narvia said, scared. She remembers what her mother and Scott told her not to tell her father about the conversation. [color=B0C4DE]" Narvia, do you remember the rules of never going into my study? You broke them for what reason? Can you tell me about that?"[/color] Conner asked in a demanding her to answer him. His demeanor was furious, but he tries not to want to hit Narvia or hurt her in any way. [color=FFB6C1]" I-I did nothing in your study, Daddy. I-I'm so sorry for breaking the rules, and I won't do that again. I promise, Daddy."[/color] Narvia said, shivering in fear at her father's rage. The first time Narvia saw her father this way like he has been hiding this at all times around them. [color=B0C4DE]" Narvia, dear sweet little daughter of mine. If you do break your promise, I will make you wish you weren't born. Hopefully, you don't disappoint me again."[/color] Conner said. He did notice his wife standing in the hallway, a bit dumbfounded. Therefore, he puts his left hand on Narvia's shoulder, walks her into her room, and smiles cruelly at his daughter. After that, Conner walks out of her room, slams the door on her, and locks it from the outside. He stares at his wife and sighs a bit. [color=B0C4DE]" Lana, you can unlock her door after two hours have passed. I will be in my study. Don't bother me while I am in there, do you get me?"[/color] Conner asked his wife if she gets it. [color=00FA9A]" Y-Yes Husband. Did you have to slam the door on her? She did nothing wrong to get on your bad side."[/color] Lana said. She was a bit worried about her children and how her husband treats her. Conner didn't answer Lana's question at all and sighs in a slightly frustrated tone. He dislikes having to act like he loves these [i]unpure lessers[/i], but it's better to string them along until he can dispose of them. Therefore, Conner returns to his study room and shuts it, but Conner told Narvia what might or might not happen to her. However, he could tell something was up with Narvia was acting slightly different and hiding something from him. It was a bit odd.[/hider] [hr] Narvia wakes up in a panic as if she had a nightmare with her sweating and tears going down her cheeks even more. She looks at the time on her omnitool to see how long she had slept for, and it wasn't even that long. The nightmare shook her out of her peaceful sleep as much as she was trying to sleep. She holds her seal plushie even tighter than she usually does because the nightmare was terrifying. It helps her understand the thing Scott was trying to say to her all those years ago, and it scares her to be a wreck. Lana and her older siblings are who she loves the most in her life, but there were thoughts in her head. These thoughts were about the others that helped her throughout her life, including the Star Marine Family she gained. [color=FFB6C1][i]' H-How could I be so blind? It was right in front of me all this time. Why did this have to happen to me? I-I don't want to choose between anyone. S-Scott, I still don't hate you for what you put into motion.'[/i][/color] Narvia thought with her tears flowing much more freely. It hurts having to choose between the people you love with all your heart, and she never once thought of it. There is a searing pain in her heart that feels like it is tearing her up inside. It causes her to have her tears flow freely, and most of her tears hit her seal plushie that she is holding tightly in her arms. Narvia felt even more vulnerable than she had previously. It causes her to realize she should get something to eat and get some chocolate milk. She gets up from her bed and only for a few seconds so she can take a shower and put on her casual clothes after it. These emotions and feelings made her want to chat with someone in her group of friends to make her feel better. [color=FFB6C1][i]' I wonder if someone is in the kitchen, mess hall to talk to them. Hopefully, I can get these things off my chest."[/i][/color] Narvia thought with the look on her face right now. The look on her face had a frown, and she looked depressed. Usually, she smiles and keeps everyone's morale up, but her morale has hit rock bottom. She feels much better after the shower and wearing casual clothes that are super cute on her. Her entire body language shows many things that she was terrified of and had to make even more complex choices. In Narvia's mind feels like she shouldn't hate her father for what he has done, but she's scared of what he's planning. She gets out of her room, shuts the door to it, and slowly goes to the kitchen, mess hall. It didn't take long for her to enter the kitchen, mess hall to notice Finbarr in the room working on writing. Narvia decides to walk over to him, sighing deeply with hints on her breaking points. One small thing would cause her to break down entirely, and not even a plushie could help her. Her curiosity in what he was writing was something to do. [color=FFB6C1]" F-Finny, what are you writing? I-I'm sorry for interrupting your creative process, but I need someone to talk to because I can't stop crying."[/color] Narvia said without showing her usual smile with some tears going down her cheek. Whatever was wrong with her, but it is obvious she had a nightmare or dream since it's pronounced as day in her body language. She's not acting her usual self, even more so than usual. Narvia slowly sits down across from Finbarr and lays her head on the table while keeping her tears in check. She rubs her eyes frequently to keep the tears from flowing. [color=FFB6C1]" I-I dislike my options. I-I didn't want to grow up without my mommy and older sisters."[/color] Narvia said with not a single idea what to do anymore. She's at the tipping point of being a wreck for the rest of her life or having to deal with it slowly. However, Narvia would probably always had been on the edge of breaking down completely. She has been discovering herself ever since she hit the age she is. It hurts so much about everything that has happened to her. She lifts her head off the table and sighs and crosses her arms because she feels slightly cold. [color=FFB6C1]" H-How am I suppose to feel happiness? D-Do you know Finny."[/color] Narvia said. It has been an arduous journey to realize she's soon going to become an adult. There has to be a choice to find happiness or to be forever in tears. [color=FFB6C1]” O-Oh yeah, what are you going to do with the 20 million galactic credits that Ashton and Flame gave us? I-I have no idea how to deal with or develop an idea that doesn’t feel like a waste. T-They were sweet in doing that.”[/color] Narvia said cutely, sad with tears going down her cheek.